Mikati says not seeking to prevent Aoun from voicing reservations


Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati on Thursday responded to a new statement issued by the Presidency.

“Mr. Premier appreciates what was mentioned in the presidential statement’s third clause in terms of disavowing the insults that some of the president’s close associates are making… He also lauds Mr. President’s keenness on not insulting the Premiership post,” Mikati’s press office said in a statement.

“As for the issue of the president’s constitutional right, Mr. Premier announced that he had presented a cabinet line-up that represented the outcome of his contacts,” the statement said.

“He has started discussing it with Mr. President, and accordingly Mr. Premier has never said that he wants to strip the president of his right to express his opinion and observations,” the statement added.

In its statement, the Presidency had noted that it is lamentable to “suggest that the Presidency is insulting the premiership,” adding that the president “will not give up his full constitutional partnership” in the formation of the government.

“The President has his opinion and remarks and he is responsible towards his constitutional oath and towards the people. He does not intend to renounce this responsibility and it is not in his calculations to accept the policy of imposition,” the Presidency added.

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