Geagea calls for president who resembles Bashir Gemayel

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Tuesday vowed to seek the election of a Lebanese president who resembles slain president-elect Bashir Gemayel, who was assassinated in a bomb attack in 1982.
“On the 40th anniversary of your election, our promise to you is to secure the election of a president who resembles you,” Geagea tweeted.
He also posted a video of the parliamentary session in which Gemayel was elected.

Two ugly psycopath terrorists with innocent blood on their hands. The leaders of militias that specialized in rape, murder and torture. May the blood of the innocents that you shed haunt you forever, you and the evil secterian devils who support you.

Focus on the future please, not the past. The Bachir and the Rafik are history, people are more than struggling in Lebanon, it’s a daily agony. Enough with the blabla. Reform the country and put an end to corruption is the only way to salvation .