Top Hezbollah commander sends unprecedented warnings to Israel

A senior Hezbollah military commander has noted that Israel is exerting strenuous efforts in order not to engage in another war with his group, because it knows that it will be “destructive” for it and that “it will not be able to confront Hezbollah in all fields.”
“The enemy must know that war with Hezbollah this time would mean a destruction of the Israeli entity’s infrastructure, which would turn the lives of settlers into a real hell in which they cannot live under fire and destruction. We are confident that the enemy will work on pulling corpses from the rubble during the war and this is what it and its people have not experienced until the moment,” the Hezbollah commander told al-Akhbar newspaper in an interview published Friday.
Speaking with high confidence, the commander added that “the Israeli army cannot protect its sea and it is incapable of protecting its vital infrastructure nor even its land border.”
“It cannot protect its domestic front from shelling and it can’t even protect itself.”
He added: “The Israeli army knows very well that it cannot protect the ships that are supposed to enter into the Palestinian ports nor to protect the warships.”
“It also knows that the moment war erupts, we will not fight a defensive war. For the first time in its history, Israel will have to defend its 1948 territory,” the commander went on to say.
He also warned that should an all-out war break out, “the Palestinian resistance factions will be a partner in the battle and the Palestinian people will mobilize, including in the 1948 areas.”
Referring to the standoff over the demarcation of the sea border between Lebanon and Israel, the Hezbollah commander said: “The enemy knows that we benefit from any chance, and that if it commits any mistake, we will deal it a major blow that forces it not to think of attacking Lebanon.”
“The border demarcation issue might be one of these chances, and if the enemy thinks of any reaction, we will respond directly, and this represent a dilemma for it.”

This coming from a terrorist organisation which promised the Lebanese Government and people over 15 years ago that it will demobilise itself once Israel leaves all Lebanese territory. Israel did that, but they continued to lie to the authorities and people of the country being goaded on by their Iranian bosses.
I for one wouldn't want to be in a Hizballah controlled area of Lebanon if they opened a war with Israel.

Everyone already knows that war is hell and outcomes are usually unpredictable. An unnamed "senior Hezbollah military commander" adds nothing more than misbehavior to the relationship with Lebanon's enemy to the south. So why shoot his mouth off, now? Ask for a raise from his Persian superiors and need to show-off?
Everyone loses in war, due to the physical destruction on both side. Lebanon and Lebanese citizens seem to lose more than whichever enemy it fight in wars. Only foreigners gain advantage when people in Lebanon get hostile.
Let's stop enriching Syrians and Iranians.
"Resistance" in all its forms is a lie and no basis for a government.

God bless our Shia resistance and its senior commander for sending an unprecedented message to the Zionist enemy and its backers in America and Saudi Arabia. Our Shia resistance while advocating peace at every juncture will not hesitate to destroy the Zionist entity and its backers in a blink of an eye.
The Shia resistance' Air Force, Navy, UAVs, Medium and Long range ballistic missiles will rain on Israeli cities and civilians causing panic and total destruction. The Zionists in their thousands will board ships and sail towards Ukraine.
Let it be known to all those who think the resistance is weak: We will not submit; We will not surrender; We will liberate.
Shia Shea Shia !!!

It is really interesting to read that you are in favour of the missiles etc landing in Israel killing thousands of Israeli Arab Moslem and Christians. Bombs don't differentiate between religions.
Your resistance is the lying terrorist group who promised the Lebanese Government in 2006 that they would disband immediately after the last Israeli soldier left Lebanese territory. Over 15 years have passed and their "immediately" has not yet happened, instead of that they are breaking Resolution 1701 day after day by just being south of the Litani.