Mawlawi says some 'sides' inciting depositors to storm banks


Caretaker Interior Minister Bassam al-Mawlawi on Friday suggested that certain “sides” are inciting depositors to storm banks, shortly after the country witnessed a record five bank “heists” in one day.

“Our meeting’s aim is not to protect the banks but rather the country,” Mawlawi said after an emergency meeting for the Central Internal Security Council, telling depositors that their money “cannot be recovered through a method that is punishable by law.”

“This issue destroys order and makes the other depositors lose their rights. Deposits are for all people and I don’t know if anyone accepts to take their deposit at the expense of the rest of the people,” the minister added.

“I know that all Lebanese people are depositors and they should not allow anyone to push them to implement certain agendas that lead to disrupting order,” Mawlawi went on to say, charging that “certain sides are pushing people to act against banks.”

“I cannot disclose the details due to the confidentiality of the investigations,” he added.

Mawlawi also said that he will not accept any confrontation between the people and security forces, reassuring that authorities will not open fire nor deal with depositors and protesters by force.

Comments 2
Thumb 16 September 2022, 20:31

When one is incompetent, especially in Lebanon, a minister throws away conspiracy theories because it works quite well with uneducated people. Of course, if he doesn't back his claims with facts and evidence, then he's worthless and incompetent. If it's an ongoing investigation then he shouldn't even mention it in the convenient tsss

Missing mcessen1 17 September 2022, 18:35

1. If my child, spouse, parent or sibling is in need of dollars for life saving medical treatment or medicine, then attacking the banks is justified.
2. If my children are in need of dollars for continuing their education, then attacking the banks is justified.
The above two examples are completely justified on humanitarian grounds as exemptions that are easy to prove and verify, and can be easily applied to avoid bank attacks.
Instead of blabbing incoherent conspiracy bullshit, try applying logical solutions.