Iranian embassy: Lebanon's enemies blocked aid to Lebanese people
The Iranian embassy in Lebanon on Tuesday lamented that “Lebanon’s enemies” have prevented Tehran from assisting the Lebanese people amid the current crisis.
“Iran had several times proposed to offer aid to the brotherly Lebanese people to help them overcome their crisis, but Lebanon’s enemies obstructed and exerted pressure to prevent things from reaching happy endings under frail excuses and alibis,” the embassy said in a tweet.
“These parties do not want to help Lebanon and are seeking to prevent others from offering assistance,” it decried.
The embassy also tweeted a video highlighting the offers that Iran has made to Lebanon in the energy field.
Iran is a prison state with its criminal regime killing its own oppressed people. This criminal regime has brutally suppressed the Green Revolution in 2010, which is a twin of our Cedar Revolution, killing and imprisoning tens and thousands of Iran's most educated and productive democracy seekers. Shame on Cedar Revolution crowd and Lebanese Shia for not supporting the oppressed Iranian people and publicly condemning this barbaric regime, which days are counted despite the indirect support from Biden and Macron for selfish benefits.
Iran same as Syria plays a VERY VERY brotherly role, it was easier to demarc with an enemy called Israel than demarc with Syria, How about the Diesel color coming from Iran vs the Gov approved quality Diesel, How about the Iranian non approved medical drugs that invaded our market while the FDA approved drugs were stolen and sent to Syria.
Iran needs to mind its own business and focus on its own issues and nasty leadership. As far as I am concerned, Iranians are very nasty people, whether it's the leadership or the common person. They are cancer to this planet; cancer needs to be eradicated.