Roads blocked in North in protest at dollar surge, economic situation


Demonstrators in northern Lebanon on Wednesday blocked several roads in protest at the unprecedented dollar rate surge and the dire economic situations.

In the city of Tripoli, several roads were blocked as some protesters opened fire in the air.

Others meanwhile blocked the international al-Beddawi highway in both directions, placing cars, tankers, trash bins, rocks and tires in the middle of the road.

The international Minieh road was also blocked in the town of Bhannine.

The black market dollar rate had reached a record high of LBP 77,000 in recent hours.

The unofficial rate has been steadily surging in recent weeks despite the arrest of top exchangers and currency speculators, with the central bank refraining from taking any measures to control the market.

Comments 1
Thumb 15 February 2023, 21:31

What kind of sick joke is this, abandon the black market scam which makes us look like Venezuela and Iran and make the real LBP a floating currency. Even if it hit 1 million for a dollar, at least it’ll be fair and people will ditch the toilet paper aka Lebanese money.