Judge Aoun lauds Higher Judicial Council for chiding Mikati and Mawlawi


Mount Lebanon Prosecutor Judge Ghada Aoun on Friday thanked the Higher Judicial Council and all its members for issuing a statement that called on caretaker PM Najib Mikati and caretaker Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi to reverse two controversial decisions.

“You gave hope to this people that despite all plights and difficulties, there are still judges who are loyal to their oath and who believe in the principle of the separation of powers and in the independence of the judicial authority,” Aoun tweeted.

The Higher Judicial Council had on Thursday called on Mikati and Mawlawi to reverse their latest two decisions, after they asked security forces not to enforce any writ issued by Aoun.

Calling for respecting “the principles of the separation of powers and the independence of the judicial authority, which are enshrined in the constitution and the law,” the Council said the decisions of Mikati and Mawlawi breached these two principles.

The Council also reassured that it is “working on securing the conditions for the regularity of judicial work and the proper conduct of justice in line with the applicable norms and legal rules and in line with the public interest and the state’s higher interest.”

Aoun had on Wednesday told the European Parliament that Mikati was “blatantly interfering in the judiciary,” after he called for legal measures against her.

“Urgent appeal to international authorities in the European Parliament .. Mr. Mikati is interfering in a flagrant way with justice in order to stop the investigations that I am conducting in the case of banks and money laundering. For the defense of the sovereignty of law help us,” Aoun tweeted in French.

She also accused Mikati of “attacking the public prosecutor's office of Mount Lebanon by asking the Minister of Interior not to execute her orders.”

Mikati later called on Mawlawi to take legal measures against Aoun, accusing her of refusing to receive recusal notices and usurping power. Mawlawi for his part asked the Internal Security Forces and General Security not to enforce Aoun's orders.

Comments 2
Thumb i.report 24 February 2023, 18:16

Si la beauté de Ghada se rapporte à son intelligence alors elle est la plus brillante des étoiles dans le ciel de l'esprit.
Mais si elle est uniquement basée sur son apparence, alors elle risque de se faner avec le temps, telle une fleur éphémère qui ne peut rivaliser avec les perles de la sagesse.

Missing cedars 25 February 2023, 21:39

Yes you are proud of the judicial system who asked you to step aside but did not take action against you because it's political to your side.
How about Kard el Hassan collection of US Dollars and illegal transfer WITHOUT any legal or regard to the state you belong to?
How about the MILLIONS of dollars under Aoun's name instead of the state name that came from Saddam Hussein to the Lebanese Army?
You accuse Joseph Aoun for giving directly the Army the funds provided to them but TOTALY ignore Michel Aoun robbing the Army in 1989-90?