Nasrallah openly endorses Franjieh's presidential nomination

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Monday openly endorsed the presidential nomination of Marada Movement chief Suleiman Franjieh, around two weeks after Hezbollah MP Mohammed Raad announced that the party had an undeclared candidate.
“The natural candidate whom Hezbollah backs in the presidential election and who meets our qualifications is Suleiman Franjieh,” Nasrallah said in a televised address marking Hezbollah’s Day of the Wounded.
“We do not have anything called Hezbollah's candidate … What we have is a candidate backed by Hezbollah and there is a difference between the two terms,” Nasrallah explained, adding that “unconditional dialogue is needed over the president.”
He also noted that Hezbollah’s declared support for Franjieh does not mean that the party is “giving up the MoU with the Free Patriotic Movement or withdrawing from it.”
“In Hezbollah, I’m the keenest on this MoU and we are keen on this understanding, friendship and relation with the FPM,” Nasrallah said.
“Lebanon needs pacification, dialogue and communication, or else we would have to coexist with the presidential vacuum,” he added.
Nasrallah also called for the parties to “announce their true candidates” or “go to parliament to try to elect a president.”
Should the parties fail to elect a president, they should immediately “engage in a dialogue over the candidates,” Nasrallah went on to say.
06 March 2023, 17:32
Nasrallah: Lebanon needs pacification, dialogue and communication, or else we would have to coexist with the presidential vacuum.
06 March 2023, 17:31
Nasrallah: In Hezbollah, I’m the keenest on this MoU and we are keen on this understanding, friendship and relation with the FPM.
06 March 2023, 17:29
Nasrallah: Our support for (ex-)minister Suleiman Franjieh's nomination today does not mean that we are giving up the MoU with the FPM or withdrawing from it.
06 March 2023, 17:26
Nasrallah: We are keen on the MoU with the FPM, but this MoU has not turned us into a single party. We are still two parties and there is nothing in the MoU that obliges a party to agree on a president, a speaker or a premier.
06 March 2023, 17:22
Nasrallah: The natural candidate whom Hezbollah backs in the presidential election and who meets our qualifications is Suleiman Franjieh.
06 March 2023, 17:13
Nasrallah: Unconditional dialogue is needed over the president.
06 March 2023, 17:09
Nasrallah: The entire executive authority is supposed to rescue the country, not only the president.
06 March 2023, 17:06
Nasrallah: What we have is a candidate backed by Hezbollah and there is a difference between the two terms.
06 March 2023, 17:05
Nasrallah: We do not have anything called Hezbollah's candidate.
06 March 2023, 17:05
Nasrallah: We would then go to parliament to try to elect a president or else we would engage in a dialogue over the candidates.
06 March 2023, 17:04
Nasrallah: The second choice would be for the parties to announce their true candidates.
06 March 2023, 17:03
Nasrallah: It is not shameful to block the quorum of sessions.
06 March 2023, 17:03
Nasrallah: I tell them that it is their natural right to block quorum, but why are they permitting what they used to attack us about.
06 March 2023, 17:01
Nasrallah: We blocked the quorum of the previous presidential election, and today we’re hearing from the leaders of some political parties that they would block quorum to prevent the election of a president from the Axis of Defiance.
06 March 2023, 16:58
Nasrallah: We are not awaiting foreign forces and we have always called on the Lebanese not to await foreign forces.
06 March 2023, 16:57
Nasrallah: Our decision is fully in our hands regarding nominations.
06 March 2023, 16:57
Nasrallah: Iran and Syria will not interfere in the presidential election.
06 March 2023, 16:55
Nasrallah: We would accept (foreign) assistance to reconcile viewpoints.
06 March 2023, 16:53
Nasrallah: We do not accept foreign vetoes on any candidate in Lebanon.
06 March 2023, 16:53
Nasrallah: It is strange that forces that call themselves sovereign are asking foreign forces to interfere.
06 March 2023, 16:53
Nasrallah: We do not accept that foreign forces impose a president on Lebanon.
06 March 2023, 16:51
Nasrallah: We are committed to the two-thirds quorum for the election of a president.
06 March 2023, 16:51
Nasrallah: The election of a president is in the higher national interest.
06 March 2023, 16:50
Nasrallah: We categorically and certainly want the election of a president and we are not seeking vacuum.
06 March 2023, 16:49
Nasrallah: We will not allow anyone to take Lebanon to chaos and destruction.
06 March 2023, 16:47
Nasrallah: All those who care about Israel's security, topped by the U.S., are seeking to strip Lebanon of the strength equation.
06 March 2023, 16:46
Nasrallah: Efforts must be exerted to liberate the Shebaa Farms and the Kfarshouba Hills through all means.
06 March 2023, 16:46
Nasrallah: Lebanon and the resistance will not be lenient over any inch of land.
06 March 2023, 16:45
Nasrallah: Hezbollah does not seek American contentment regarding anything.
06 March 2023, 16:43
Nasrallah: The Lebanese state has obtained what it wants regarding the maritime border and there are no security guarantees for Israel.
06 March 2023, 16:37
Nasrallah: This equation has protected our country and it will protect our resources.
06 March 2023, 16:37
Nasrallah: The resistance stands behind civilians and the army and the Israelis know its readiness.
06 March 2023, 16:36
Nasrallah: Civilians and Lebanese Army troops are forcing the Israelis to retreat.
06 March 2023, 16:35
Nasrallah: Would this have happened without the presence of a real deterrence equation in Lebanon?
06 March 2023, 16:35
Nasrallah on border incidents: The Lebanese Army's officers and soldiers are performing their responsibilities with all due courage.
06 March 2023, 16:34
Nasrallah: The Israelis have been trying to expand their control on the land border with Lebanon.

Nasrallah: "We will not allow anyone to take Lebanon to chaos and destruction."
What he actually means is: "Nasrallah: We will not allow anyone other than us take Lebanon to chaos and destruction.

Enough dancing around the topic. Time for clear and precise discussions. Shia overwhelmingly voted for Hizbollah (Iran’s Foreign Legion) and its Useful Idiot Berri, winning all MPs. Therefore they voted for the Iranian Basij Model. Too late for second thoughts or remorse. The Basij model is the antidote of freedom, democracy, civility, tolerance, openness and everything our culture and traditions stand for. Enough pretending we belong to the same country. We will fight this imported armed occupation with everything we have until liberation to restore our dignity and respect. Anyone siding with the occupier is a traitor. If Aoun/Bassil Frangieh are in bed with the occupiers, we'll happily send them a one-way ticket to Iran. Anyone siding with brutal occupier is responsible for destroyed the lives of our parents, children and freedom. Zero sympathy as we’ll make sure to bring them to justice.

“We do not have anything called Hezbollah's candidate … What we have is a candidate backed by Hezbollah and there is a difference between the two terms”
And we do not have anything called a sewer rat pretending to be a hero.. What we have is someone hiding in the sewers like a rat afraid for his life pretending to be a hero and there is a difference between the two terms.. same thing, different terms, get it?

Time to give the south and half Bekaa to the Shia of Iran, call it East Berlin and let the others live in West Berlin. This man is hiding underground and cannot see that WE ARE ALREADY in CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION.

MikeA, you may not have read this post: "Have no mistake, this is not Shia-Sunni-Christian division. If Duo supported democracy, freedom and independence and the rest supported Basij we would fervently support the Duo. In fact Iran Green Revolution is the twin of our Cedar Revolution as both have same principles and for both diaspora should now unite and coordinate. That is why Berri is a fraud and another political prostitute knowing very well Hizbollah would have killed reformer Imam Moussa Sadr if he was alive today; as Basij have systematically targeted reformers in Iran. Free Lebanon will surely include the Shia silent majority but no Duo supporters or Basij aims. So let us be clear, it is not a sect nor corruption that led us to hell, but Basij occupation by Hizbollah and Berri complicity. No end of misery until we liberate Lebanon from Iranian occupation or more effectively dividing the country."