MP says FPM does not intend to boycott presidential vote


The Free Patriotic Movement does not intend to boycott presidential vote sessions “until the moment,” MP Salim Aoun of the FPM said on Wednesday.

In an interview with Radio All of Lebanon, Aoun added that the FPM’s decision not to back Suleiman Franjieh’s nomination is not aimed at confronting the Shiite Duo.

Calling for “dealing positively with any development in this file,” Aoun said that “so far, no candidate has a 64+1 majority.”

“The FPM has been seeking to agree with the biggest number of blocs to find a candidate who enjoys the support of 65 MPs and its efforts in this regard are still ongoing,” the lawmaker added.

“More than 10 candidates might be acceptable for the biggest number of forces,” Aoun said.

“The efforts have been underway since the beginning of the vacuum crisis, but they were activated today after the file was activated following a period of paralysis,” the MP added, referring to the Shiite Duo’s nomination of Franjieh.

Comments 1
Thumb gebran_sons 08 March 2023, 14:23

Joker game: Frangieh gets elected because the duo cares about Lebanon and to avoid vacuum; Bassil get his lion share of crony appointments which is worst form of corruption; Basij and Assad are in full control monitoring every house, spreading their power to new areas, and tightening grip on all institutions; Lebanese get screwed again taking to deeper secret levels of hell because frankly that is the fate of any country with no dignity or courage to fight occupation and preserve its culture.