Saudi FM: Lebanon needs Lebanese and not Iranian-Saudi rapprochement


Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said Friday that “Lebanon needs Lebanese rapprochement, not Iranian-Saudi rapprochement,” a few hours after Tehran and Riyadh announced a reconciliation agreement.

“Lebanon must seek its interest and politicians must put the Lebanese interest before any other interest,” Bin Farhan told Al-Arabiya TV.

“When this happens and when a decision is taken in Lebanon to put the Lebanese interest first and work on building the Lebanese state, Lebanon will certainly prosper and the kingdom will be by its side,” the Saudi FM added.

Iran and Saudi Arabia had agreed earlier on Friday to reestablish diplomatic relations and reopen embassies after seven years of tensions. The major diplomatic breakthrough negotiated with China lowers the chance of armed conflict between the Mideast rivals -- both directly and in proxy conflicts around the region.

"Removing misunderstandings and the future-oriented views in relations between Tehran and Riyadh will definitely lead to improving regional stability and security,” Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, said.

Iran long has backed the powerful Lebanese Shiite armed group and political party Hezbollah, while Saudi Arabia has backed the country's Sunni politicians as well as the Christian Lebanese Forces and the Druze Progressive Socialist Party. Easing tensions between Riyadh and Tehran could see the two push for a political reconciliation in Lebanon, which is facing a presidential vacuum and an unprecedented financial meltdown.

Comments 1
Thumb chrisrushlau 10 March 2023, 23:40

Prince Farhan told reporters that as of next Tuesday, half of the legislature of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will consist of Christian Saudis, in line with Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution. "We are doing this now because it's the right thing to do."