Macron and Bin Salman vow to 'work together' for Lebanon


French President Emmanuel Macron and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have discussed strengthening their countries’ cooperation in the defense and energy fields, reiterating their determination to “work together” for helping Lebanon.

During a phone call, the two leaders “expressed mutual concern over the situation in Lebanon, reiterating their determination to work together to help pull the country out of the deep crisis it is going through,” the Elysee Palace said.

Comments 2
Thumb chrisrushlau 27 March 2023, 18:53

The two agreed that democracy would be the end of Lebanon as it would be for Israel, and then Gulf monarchies would be at risk. At this point, the telephone conversation suddenly ended.

Thumb gebran_sons 27 March 2023, 20:11

Lebanon will always be grateful to Saudi and France for helping Lebanon and providing direct assistance and dignified work to tens of thousands of Lebanese from all communities. However, in these critical times it is important to recalibrate our foreign relations to what serves Lebanon knowing no recovery without ending Hizbollah occupation and restoring democracy and sovereignty. Due to our mediocre and corrupt politicians France has legitimized Hizb arms. Saudi is reestablishing ties with criminal Iran and decided no more free grants to any nation. Both don’t serve Lebanon interest. Foreign investments require over 20% return to compensate for Hizb political risk and banking collapse further impoverishing Lebanese for decades to come. Only option is investment from Lebanese diaspora that is only possible when ending Basij occupation, instituting reforms and accountability, and restoring democracy and sovereignty. Time to select a Lebanese path separate from France & Saudi interests.