Jumblat still clinging to his 'consensual' initiative

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat is still clinging to his initiative for resolving the presidential crisis, a media report said.
Jumblat’s initiative proposes a host of “consensual” presidential candidates one of whom might enjoy consensus among the various parties or most of them, Asharq al-Awsat newspaper reported.
In addition to Joseph Aoun, Jihad Azour and Salah Honein, Jumblat had recently proposed Chebli Mallat and May Rihani.
Lebanese Forces sources meanwhile told the daily that Jumblat’s initiative has not run into the rejection of the opposition forces but rather into the refusal of the Shiite Duo, which “has rejected any candidate other than Suleiman Franjieh.”
“Accordingly, this Duo has blocked and thwarted Jumblat’s efforts,” the sources added.

It is time for Jumblat to fade away from politic and let Tymour guide his community to the next phase away from political mafia. The status-quo is a cyanide pill to Lebanon. Unless Hizbollah disarmed or country divided, followed by serious reforms and new political class, Lebanon will die. Lebanon resurrection depends on Christians and Druze unity, joined by Rafiq Hariri's Sunnis and Imam Saddr Shia to form the foundation of New Lebanon. A free, democratic, sovereign and neutral Arab country. Then bring to justice Hizb, Berri, FPM, and political mafia for destroying Lebanon and bankrupting its people stealing their lifesavings and making them beggars with no honor or dignity. The New Lebanon will rise like a phoenix once it regains the trust of the world community and its capable diaspora. This is no time for compromise. No time for Jumblat and Berri twisted politics. It is time to liberate Lebanon from Basij occupation and its Useful Idiots.

Why do you talk like christians are all one group on the same page while singling out Rafiq Hariris sunnis and Imam Sadrs shia? Are christians all of a sudden one sect with one vision and one party? And why do you keep mentioning Berri but not Geagea and the Gemayel family when their armed groups killed, raped and injured lebanese left and right? And what qualifications do you have to decide what Muslims can be part of Lebanon? And who is in charge of the "liberation" of lebanon? What party, what leader?

Whether you like it or not, Christians and Druze, maybe because of being minorities with deep roots in Mount Lebanon, are the protectors of freedom, democracy and openness to the world. Rafiq Hariri rebuild Lebanon after the Civil War and made us the shining City on the hill. Imam Saddr is a giant reformer with the same upbuilding and constructive mind as Hariri and genuine care about his community. He would no doubt be a leader in the Green Revolution if still alive. Hizbollah did not liberate the South but occupied it for the Basij and to prevent Shia democracy from spreading to Iran. I believe in Tueni's oath that Lebanon diversity is our strength. However, we are under occupation by criminal Hizbollah and its Useful idiots, taking us straight to hell. Without liberating Lebanon from the Basij and the political mafia, all efforts are in vain. Those who voted for the duo voted for the Iranian model and frankly deserve to have their own country to achieve all their objectives.

There is a difference between political mafia and political corruption. Yes, all are corrupt, but in a country run by mafia, politicians have no choice but to keep their share of the loot to remain relevant. There is a difference when corruption main purpose is to protect the survivability of your community, whether correct reasoning or not, such as Jumblat, and those corrupt using community justification but actually seeking personal benefits, such as Berri, Aoun, Bassil and Frangieh, and those criminals willing to destroy the country for ideological reasons such as Hizbollah and SSNP. If Basij has killed most educated and productive Iranians in brutally suppressing the Green Revolution and transformed Iran with its great culture into a giant prison to the mind and soul, what to expect from Hizb? The poorer more intimidated people the easier to brainwash. These are the real criminals occupying our country and the rest of the political mafia Useful Idiots