Jumblat questions safety of Syrian refugees repatriation


Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat asked which Arab or international side would secure a safe return to the Syrian refugees, and if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wants them back.

In an interview with MTV, Jumblat urged for the establishment of "decent camps" for the displaced Syrians in Lebanon.

"There is no Arab fold," he said, adding that al-Assad does not want to listen to a political solution."

The Lebanese Army had recently raided homes in various parts of the country, arresting hundreds and deporting dozens who had entered the country irregularly or held expired residency cards.

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati had on Thursday tasked acting General Security chief Brig. Gen. Elias Baissari with following up on the issue of returning the displaced Syrians to their country, after a ministerial meeting on Wednesday decided to take stricter measures in the refugees' file.

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