Kanaan says MPs have every right to look at forensic audit report

Free Patriotic Movement MP Ibrahim Kanaan asked Tuesday caretaker Finance Minister Youssef al-Khalil for a copy of the Alvarez & Marsal forensic audit report.
The Finance Ministry had last month denied accusations that it has “hidden” the report, claiming that the report is just a draft, that it belongs to the Lebanese government and not the Finance Ministry and that it is confidential.
"The report is a preliminary forensic audit report and not a draft," Kanaan said, adding that the agreement with A&M allows the Minister of Finance to share the report "with any authority forming part of the Client without the prior approval of A&M."
"Parliament is the higher authority in the Lebanese state and the only representative of the Lebanese people. It has every right to look at all the financial accounts," the FPM MP said.
On Monday MP and Kataeb leader Sami Gemayel also asked al-Khalil to send the report to Parliament.

Ignoring $20 Billion lost/stolen since 2019 by political mafia, FPM/cronies wasted/stole $50 billion on EDL leaving darkness & polluted air. What $50 billion could be spent on? our energy can be 100% from renewable with $15 billion (see Masdar & WDRVM & Hydro). Two new modern airports for $4 billion. Upgrade Beirut & Tripoli ports for $3 billion. Monorail from Tripoli to Tyr for $3 billion (see 100 Km Bombardier Monorail in Eqypt for $3B). Two tunnels linking ports to Bekaa & Akar for $4 billion (purchase TBM for future tunnels). Major road network for $3 billion. Giga factory for EV/Industrial batteries to supply the whole Middle East for $2 billion, thousands of industrial robots for $2 billion, 100% fiber optic with new cables linking to Cyprus/Europe for $2 billion. World-class museum for $1Billion. Artificial island/port for cruise ship for $1 Billion. Upgrade trails, sky lifts, nature resorts for $1 billion, Modern fishery for $1 billion… all above for much less than EDL deficit!

Lebanon future will be rosy after neutrality & no arms outside army. Devaluation solved bloated public employment and made our technical degrees competitive, as remote offices if targeted education and gigawifi. This is how India IIT engineers dominated Silicon Valley; and Vietnam low wages and political stability is replacing China in outsourcing. We’re always grateful to Gulf nations for their continuous support and assistance, welcoming tens of thousands of Lebanese to participate in development and modernization of their nation. We should next focus on Egypt, Iraq, Jordon and potentially Syria. Especially Egypt on its way to be new economic power with growing middle class. Egyptian investments in infrastructure, transportation, tourism, industry, agricultural, new technology and high education will soon bear fruit. Lebanon and Egypt can be equal partners. Already Dar El Handasah helped plan New Egypt Capital. Significant benefit in integrating economies ahead.