Jumblat: Lebanon Has Failed in Ending Oppression against Syrian People
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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat condemned on Monday Lebanon’s position on the Arab League decision on Syria, saying that it had failed the Syrian people.
He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine: “Lebanon shied away from its political, humanitarian, and moral responsibilities towards ending oppression against the Syrian people when it voiced reservations on the Arab League decision.”
The Arab League said it agreed on Sunday to open contacts with Syria's opposition and to ask the United Nations to form a joint peacekeeping force to the unrest-swept country in moves swiftly rejected by Syria.
Arab diplomats "will open channels of communication with the Syrian opposition and offer full political and financial support, urging (the opposition) to unify its ranks," it said in a statement.
Addressing the seventh anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Jumblat noted: “He was a unique man of state who called for dialogue among the Lebanese during the worst circumstances.”
“He adopted a moderate approach and sought to employ his Arab and international connections for Lebanon’s national interests, away from personal or factional gain,” he stressed.
“Hariri believed in Palestine and the Palestinian cause and he defended its people’s legitimate rights,” he continued.
“He can be greatly credited for the April 1996 Lebanese-Israeli ceasefire understanding, which was tantamount to a recognition of resistance activity in Lebanon,” added the MP.
The understanding helped end Israel’s 1996 Grapes of Wrath offensive against southern Lebanon.
“Hariri sought to build the state, strengthen the army and economy, and implement development projects throughout Lebanese territory, which he did not discriminate against based on political or sectarian affiliations,” remarked Jumblat.
“The slain premier believed in Lebanon’s independence and sovereignty, which he paid for with his life,” he said.
“He believed in friendly Lebanese-Syrian ties away from the mentality of hegemony,” he continued.
The MP stated: “Lebanon will remain indebted to Rafik Hariri in several fields.”
“On the occasion of February 14, I salute Hariri and all the martyrs of the Cedar Revolution, both living and dead,” he declared.
He also saluted the “martyrs of the Syrian revolution and the political prisoners in Syrian jails.”
Hariri was assassinated on February 14, 2005 in a massive car bomb in Beirut.
His murder, which was widely blamed on Syria, sparked a wave of protests against Syria’s then-military presence in Lebanon, which was dubbed the Cedar Revolution.
The demonstrations and great international pressure resulted in the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon in April 2005.

Jumblatt, with all due respect to the great "chameleon", Lebanon can't even take care of its own people, let alone the "Syrian" People or any other people.

Before anything else, Lebanon has failed miserably in ending the oppression against the Lebanese people by not punishing the two worst criminals and collaborators with all of Lebanon's enemies, Samir Geagea and Walid Jumblat. In a country that respects its citizens, these two pieces of filth would have been two headless rotten corpses thrown in unmarked graves in a graveyard for rats.

Just like a chameleon...changes his colour in a blink of an eye...I don't know how his fans believe in him!

Walid is in the same basket case as the beloved lance corporal Michelle Aoun.

What Jumblat had said is admirable. Harriri, the father, was a statesman of a high calibre and his presence was felt both domestically and internationally. His demeanor was more than humane and his abilities were limitless and fruitful. Lebanon had lost a great man and politician. I am a Christian and know full well what this man had done for my country. Jumblat is right in saying that Harriri had never discriminated against any Lebanese. He wanted the good of all parts of Lebanon. Up to this day, after 7 years of his martyrdom, I still feel a deep agony inside of me as I remember him.
My only solace is his Son's traits which might not rise to the level of his father but from this lion comes this small lion who would make his father proud that his steps are being followed as he wished them.
RIP Rafik Harriri in God's safe hands, we all will always love you for who you were.
And for his Son Saad, God bless you. We all are behind you.

Féodale, homme d'affaires, opportuniste et caméléon tu ne connais que la de ceux qui te paient. Tu as fais la Serpillère devant Assad. Mais quant le vent a tourné tu t'es roulé par terre devant les Kanezirs des Saouds et Qataris. Tu es sans vergogne. Je plains ton fils. Comment pourra-t-il être fier d'un tel père. Et puis en ce qui nous concerne nous libanais, personne ne te plaindra le jour où on te ramassera en miettes. Tu aurai tout fait pour. Ce jour là les milliers de morts que tu as causé dans la montagne pourraient reposer en paix.

Hezbollah and Aoun support to failing regimes like Syrian and Iranian is a complete conspiracy against the Lebanese nation, the failure to provide Lebanese people with electricity is another. This behave was tested before by Hezbollah when they drove Lebanon to unwanted war with the Zionist regime and like Aoun's war when he was in power against the Syrian regime loosing Baabda and the killing of thousands of Lebanese people, history has tested the failing policy of these politicians, so lets ask the Lebanese people to ban them from politics.
You are wrong "jabal elarab and swaida" are mobilizing and organizing to come out in droves and tip the scale in a major way.... Sit back and watch it all unfold

@Jimmy Kostavi: When you bring back the years of war then you need to be holistic and bring back ALL facts and be biased and partial, Let's start with Estaz Berri, How about Hassouna Islamic resistance that dragged with their Jeeps pregnant women in Chekka when they joined forced with the Palestinians, How about Franjieh and Aoun that played an important role in dividing the Christians, Then let's move to Kansou and his Baath shabiha that undermined and insulted every Professor in the AUB and beaten Hobish darak station monthly. I am sure there are more but I'll stop for now.

the filthy zionist media terrorists try to portay the loser son saudi puppet as being great as his father.
and what did jumblat want to say, only jumblat knows. like it's important anyway.

Usually whichever side Jumblatt switches to ends up winning, so maybe this time the Assad regime is really on the way out. Also, what is the difference between Jumblatt and Aoun?
Jumblatt has switched sides many times because he is after his own interests and protecting the druze in Lebanon and his party, Aoun switched from accusing Syria of assassinating Hariri and telling Huzb Allah to disarm to saying Syria is innocent and Huzb Allah should remain armed.
That's a one time switch, selling out all his principles for a few seats in parliament and government. That is truly pathetic.

Usually whichever side Jumblatt switches to ends up winning so maybe Assad is really on the way out.
Aoun sold out completely his supporters imprisoned in Syria, the guns of Huzb Allah (which he wanted disarmed for years) and the assassination of Hariri (which he blamed on Syria before, now he goes to worship Assad).

I think this guy is lost...people following him should follow gymnastic good stretching :p