Hezbollah-FPM dialogue reportedly facing difficulties


The dialogue between Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement is progressing slowly and is facing some difficulties, a media report said on Wednesday.

One of the main difficulties is the issue of “financial decentralization, whereas administrative decentralization will be agreed on soon,” ad-Diyar newspaper reported.

The issue of the trust fund, which is also an FPM demand, is “facing numerous obstacles, most notably that the fund would take a lot of powers from the Finance Ministry, something that the Shiite Duo rejects,” the daily added.

Comments 1
Thumb i.report 30 August 2023, 16:29

n reality, both Hezbollah and the FPM are deeply entrenched in Lebanon's intricate political and power dynamics. Their cooperation goes beyond isolated issues, such as administrative and financial matters. Therefore, Ad Diyar's portrayal of their dialogue as a clash over specific demands fails to capture the underlying reality of their interconnected interests and objectives. Viewing them as two sides of the same coin helps to illuminate the biased nature of the media's coverage, which tends to oversimplify their relationship and its implications for Lebanon's political landscape.

Just as a shepherd guides their flock, these groups utilize media to guide public sentiment. This strategy can involve emphasizing certain aspects of their collaboration, downplaying areas of agreement, or highlighting apparent disagreements to maintain a carefully curated image that aligns with their goals.