Report: TotalEnergies finds no gas in Block 9's drilling site


French oil giant TotalEnergies has informed Lebanon’s Energy Ministry and the Lebanese Petroleum Administration that no gas was found in the first well that was drilled in Lebanon’s offshore Block 9, a media report said.

“Drilling in the well in Block 9 ended after only water was found at a depth of 3,900 meters, and accordingly there is no use from continuing the drilling to a depth of 4,200 meters,” LBCI television reported.

“The Energy Minister and representatives of TotalEnergies are preparing to head to the drilling platform and TotalEnergies is expected to issue a statement about the preliminary results,” LBCI added.

According to experts, other wells can be drilled in the same block to explore the presence of gas in it.

Comments 3
Thumb 13 October 2023, 16:30

It appears we got fooled into negotiating the maritime borders with the Zionists occupiers of Palestine in return of nothing. Que ça nous serve de leçon!

Thumb farsical.resistance 13 October 2023, 17:04

No problem, we have a great bunch of politicians and every time they speak they generate for us our own gas thank you very much, and with no drilling whatsoever!

Thumb 13 October 2023, 22:27

Haha, you've nailed it! Our politicians are truly experts in renewable energy, providing us with an endless source of hot air without the environmental impact. Who needs fossil fuels when you've got political speeches, right? Keep those laughs coming, and let's power the world with laughter!