Is Hariri's return to Lebanon related to looming regional settlement?


Former prime minister and al-Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri’s upcoming visit to Beirut will not be swift and he will give time to his popular base and to anyone who might request to meet him -- be them ambassadors, politicians or social figures, al-Jadeed TV has reported.

He will also visit Speaker Nabih Berri, caretaker PM Najib Mikati and Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan, the TV network added.

“Hariri’s political return will be related to a regional settlement that would allow him to work on reactivating the economic cycle and building Lebanon, exactly as happened with his martyr father (Rafik Hariri) in 1992,” Mustaqbal sources told al-Jadeed.

“The indications of the regional settlement have started to appear with the U.S. and British stances that mentioned the two-state solution and a recognition of a Palestinian state, before being followed by positivity from Hezbollah, which opened the door to negotiations over the land border and the liberation of the occupied Lebanese territory,” the sources added.

According to media reports, Hariri is expected to be in Beirut on February 14 to mark the 19th anniversary of the assassination of his father, Rafik Hariri.

Comments 3
Thumb Candice 02 February 2024, 21:05

I know him in ways others don't. Saad is not coming back to engage in politics while he is busy engaged with me. It is just a visit to save face.

Thumb galaxy 03 February 2024, 10:32

“Hariri’s political return will be related to a regional settlement that would allow him to work on reactivating the economic cycle and building Lebanon, exactly as happened with his martyr father (Rafik Hariri) in 1992,” Mustaqbal sources told al-Jadeed.

He bankrupted his father's business empire due to his incompetence and we are to believe he will reactivate the economic cycle and building of Lebanon? LOL

Missing B.K.L 03 February 2024, 15:13

A politician who prefers not to live in lebanon does not have the right to be its leader.