Maronite bishops reject 'implicating Lebanon in war' after Arabs distanced themselves


The Council of Maronite Bishops on Wednesday said it “categorically rejects implicating Lebanon in the Palestinian-Israeli war,” noting that “all Arab countries have distanced themselves from its flames.”

“They call on the relevant local parties to fend off the harm that our people in the South are suffering regardless of their religious and political affiliations,” the bishops said in their monthly statement.

They also warned against “linking the southern border conflict to settlements that would harm Lebanon’s sovereignty, oil and water resources and geographical rights.”

“They draw the attention of the foreign parties that are working in this regard that any Lebanese negotiation over these affairs is the president’s responsibility and that any such negotiations should be frozen until he is elected,” they said in their statement.

Comments 1
Missing phillipo 07 March 2024, 06:59

So why doesn't the L A F do something about it?