Jumblat Meets Davutoglu: Political Solution Will End Syria Crisis

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed the need for exerting political and humanitarian efforts to end the crisis in Syria, announced the PSP in a statement on Thursday.

He said after holding talks with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Turkey: “The political solution alone will end the Syrian regime’s violence” against protesters.

The MP’s talks in Turkey also focused on Lebanese and other regional developments.

Jumblat had traveled to Turkey on Wednesday on board a private jet.

The PSP leader had met with Davutoglu during the latter’s visit to Beirut in January.

The Lebanese official had stressed the importance of maintaining stability in Lebanon to avert any repercussions the Syrian crisis may have on the country.

Turkey “is keen not to allow the Syrian crisis slip into Lebanon,” Jumblat remarked.

Comments 22
Thumb jcamerican 17 February 2012, 16:28

Political solution doesn't mean the end of the regime. Jumblat scares me. He is always few steps ahead from everyone else, when it comes to the politics of this region.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 17 February 2012, 17:11

walid beik is trying to walk between the wahabies and farsis without wetting himself, if he can do it... brilliant.

Thumb bigsami 17 February 2012, 19:00

Sorry Jumblat.....political solutions when it comes to a Oligarchy never worked throughout history. It was masked & window dressed to ultimately allow the existing ruling party to search/kill those who opposed them in the first place. And who is Jumblat to talk....this guy has no word or significance in my books. He jumps side to side depending what suites his best interest. Out with Assad and the likes. Times have changed and no place for dictators.

Default-user-icon amin (Guest) 17 February 2012, 20:22

as long as the cowrdly syrian army keeps killing civilians they will be no political solution. the syrians finally realized that they are winning their fight against Assad and his gools. they should start attcking the russians and chinese to teach those 2 disgraceful countries a lesson. i cant believe that the army has held together for so long, they watch these alawiites criminals killing everyone but wont do anything to stop them. typical cowrdly syrian army

Missing realist 17 February 2012, 20:31

dude, Did you forget the "thank you qatar" all over da7iye? and how you hypocrites welcomed the amir of qatar with arms wide open (he was still sending natural gas to israel that bombed you back then). The truth is that your real enemy is the sunis (as you were brainwashed that he killed hussein) and in the future israel will be your tacit ally. Your "enemy" israel is the real protector of your syrian dog. Of course he will go, it is a mathematical certainty.

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 00:40

this 1005 jew zionist media terrorist from occupied palestine is making hillarious predictions about zionist entity being friend of shia and sunni to be our enemies.

you wish.

naharnet editors, time to start cleaning user database.

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 00:40

100% not 1005

Missing realist 17 February 2012, 20:35

the peaceful departure of the regime is a "political solution". There will be no peaceful solution of course and this will be a long battle with 100-200 thousand killed, the end of the regime is a mathematical certainty, it is happening with increments. The right question to ask is whether the regime is stronger or weaker than it was 5 months ago? would the regime be stronger 5 months from now? and the answer is no to both.

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 00:46

the filthy zionist media scum hallucinate about 100-200 thousands dead in syria.

but even in their crazy heads they are doubts. look, he's not sure if assad regime is stronger or weaker now or 5 months before and what will be in 5 months.

than in his crazyness he gives answer "no to both" while he posted 3 questions.

but his doubts will be crushed the head of zionist information war department and tomorrow, he will come back with no doubts.

Missing helicopter 17 February 2012, 22:00

Why is he there conducting foreign policy? Regardles of who is in power and who is in opposition, foreign policy should be conducted only by the Governemtn. Enough Bana Republic like behavior.

Missing elielebnan 18 February 2012, 00:17

agree with you...but all Lebanese politicians flex their muscles abroad undermining the government...this is not exclusive of Jumblatt.

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 00:58

it's amazing that creature which relevance in lebanon is practicaly zero, is being received by the foreign minister of turkey.

i'm suprised that foreign minister in turkey heard about jumblat at all.

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 13:06

the filthy zionist scum had rage attack.

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 00:41

no we don't forget. and than, for al jazeera, he said: "yes it's a crime, i know"

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 00:42

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate about zillions of dead syrians, presuambly all unarmed, woman children and very old.

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 00:56

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate that their mercenaries in syria, which they FSA, are not crushed but will rise like phoenix to beat syrian army.

you wish

Default-user-icon samuel (Guest) 18 February 2012, 07:57

That irrelevant creature is propping up your government....

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 13:08

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate about assad regime surely falling and than goes to explain jumblat's behaviour and than finishes with some idealistic crap that is suppose to present him as lebanese

Thumb jabalamel 18 February 2012, 13:08

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate about assad regime surely falling and than goes to explain jumblat's behaviour and than finishes with some idealistic crap that is suppose to present him as lebanese

Missing minlibnan 18 February 2012, 17:32

Habel you are an idiot just like your master nusrallah.

Thumb jabalamel 19 February 2012, 03:29

the filthy zionist idiot media terrorist thinks nasrallah is my master

Thumb jabalamel 19 February 2012, 03:30

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about my master hide underground. and also, usual iranian hallucination