Bassil meets Safa as FPM-Hezbollah ties warm up

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil is continuing his “openness initiative” towards the Shiite Duo, a media report said.
It seems that Bassil’s steps “are much bigger than the political-electoral alliance at the elections of the Beirut Order of Engineers and Architects, the repeated meetings between Bassil and Speaker Nabih Berri, and the resumption of meetings with Hezbollah,” ad-Diyar newspaper reported on Monday.
In this regard, highly-informed political and partisan sources revealed to the daily that Bassil had met with a Hezbollah delegation led by Wafiq Safa around 20 days ago, “in the wake of the murder of Lebanese Forces official Pascal Sleiman and prior to the political and electoral juncture at the Order of Engineers, amid cold ties between the two sides.”
“This meeting, in terms of its important timing and content, ends all speculation about a severed relation between the two sides and about the resistance’s loss of Christian and national support for its weapons,” ad-Diyar said.
The sources added that “communication between Hezbollah and the FPM will be resumed to manage any dispute and improve the common denominators,” emphasizing “the importance of the messages that Bassil sent during his visit to Jezzine yesterday.”

Interesting contrast between Aoun who used the army to fight LF to disarm it and Aoun/Bassil love story with Hizb. While Gebran Sons never supported any warlord, LF was fighting to protect freedom and democracy whereas Hizbollah is Iran’s Foreign Legion; created, armed and indoctrinated by Iran Basij; with mission to transform Lebanon into an Iranian Rocket base as Iran’s long range missile and obsolete air force proved sterile. Aoun/Bassil never cared about Lebanon’s freedom or sovereignty. They are just political prostitutes selling Lebanon to Hizb for 30 pieces of silver & being Hizb’s Useful idiots for personal political gain. Not only was Aoun the worst president in Human history that single handedly destroyed our economy, sovereignty, justice & freedom; but also allowed Hizb total occupation of all institutions so he can be paper president. Comparing how he acted with LF vs Hizb makes him a war criminal and all FPM leadership guilty of Grand Treason.

When would Lebanon have a real army chief that understand his main role is Lebanon sovereignty and insuring no arms outside army, especially not in those funded by belligerent regimes like Hizb/Hamas. When would the army chief start the war of liberation so hundred thousands of Lebanon volunteer to clear Lebanon from these mercenaries and foreign agents that transformed our country into Banana Republic a beggar nation, and destroyed our economy, institutions, freedom, justice and dignity. Wake up!