Army seizes truck carrying guns in Batroun after it catches fire


A truck carrying oils went up in flames Monday in the Batroun town of Basbina after which it turned out that it was also carrying 304 smuggled pistols, the army said on Tuesday.

The guns were hidden above the engine along with a quantity of magazines, the army said in a statement, adding that it has arrested a number of individuals suspected of being involved in the smuggling operation.

“The army searched the other trucks that had arrived along with this truck aboard a ship to the Port of Tripoli,” the statement said, adding that no arms or contraband material were found in the other trucks.

A senior judicial source had told Agence France Presse on Monday that the truck belongs to a Palestinian resident of the Mieh Mieh Palestinian refugee camp in south Lebanon.

The source added that the guns arrived aboard a ship that came from Turkey.

Comments 3
Thumb justin 21 May 2024, 14:50

What a great job by the army! Handguns are confiscated but drones, heavy artillery, tanks, rockets, and guided missiles are allowed.

Missing rabiosa 21 May 2024, 17:33

My poor country. Ww have become a complete and utter failed state.

Anyone from anywhere who has a grievance can just walk in, drive through with truck loads of ammo. No border control, no nothing. Smuggling as long as the eye can see.

Instead of giant corporations coming to setup shop to drive the economy and produce jobs, we have fanatics, radicals, islamists from every corner of the world coin to set up shop.

Every terror organization in the world has an office and gathering in Beirut somewhere.

As Fairuz used to sing in behabak Ya Lebanon... Mazro3a 3al Dayir Nar ou Bawarid.

Missing rami 22 May 2024, 10:09

Lebanon is the recycle bin of the Middle East, unfortunately.