Le Drian continues meetings with Lebanese leaders

The French President's Special Envoy to Lebanon, Jean-Yves Le Drian, held separate meetings Wednesday Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Hezbollah's top lawmaker Mohammad Raad, on the second day of his visit to Lebanon.
“Berri reiterated his adherence to his presidential election initiative, repeating his call for consultations without preconditions before moving to parliament to elect a president in successive rounds from a list comprising a number of candidates,” al-Jadeed television said.
Le Drian had met Tuesday with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Marada Movement chief Suleiman Franjieh and former Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat.
Media reports meanwhile said that the political forces believe that domestic solutions are not possible in the near future despite Le Drian’s visit, due to the complicated regional situation.
Sources informed on Mikati’s meeting with Le Drian meanwhile told al-Akhbar newspaper that the French envoy “did not talk about any invitation for dialogue in France.”
Al-Joumhouria newspaper for its part quoted informed sources as saying that Le Drian is not carrying anything new, describing his visit as “exploratory and quick.”

Dear Mr. Le Drian: Does France accept a criminal militia on its territory armed, indoctrinated and funded by a foreign nation? Wasn’t Vichy collaborators imprisoned/executed after liberation? So why is France imposing a foreign armed militia and Vichy government on Lebanon? After every occupation there is liberation, even in Lebanon… We will fight and defeat Iran's Foreign Legion in Lebanon to restore freedom and democracy for the future of our children. France helped Americans gain independence from England. Why wouldn’t France help Lebanon regain independence and full sovereignty? No other African or Asian country has deeper genuine and historic connections to France than Lebanon!