How could Golan incident impact war in Gaza, Lebanon?


An Egyptian official said the deadly strike in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights could give urgency to the negotiations to reach a cease-fire deal in Gaza, which would be reflected on the Israeli-Hezbollah front.

He said mediators will use such an attack to press for a cease-fire in Gaza to avoid an all-out war in the region.

“Both fronts are connected,” he said. “A cease-fire in Gaza will lead to a cease-fire with Hezbollah.”

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the sensitive talks with the media.

Officials from the United States, Egypt and Qatar are meeting Sunday with Israeli officials in Rome in the latest push for a cease-fire deal in Gaza.

Comments 6
Thumb 29 July 2024, 01:31

Syria has a Druze problem-

@FaresSaeb (certified employee at Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs) onTwitter/X posted the following :

My father was born in Hadar, Syrian Golan, and we have many relatives in Majdal Shams.

At least 7 kids are killed by #Hezbollah drone attack. I'm trying to check if there are casualties from my family.

Lebanese Druze must take a stand.
#Lebanon will pay.
The hell you want is the hell you'll get.

Thumb 29 July 2024, 14:44

Jade; you obviously wish to keep the Palestinians in Lebanon, grant them citizenship and equal rights, I, on another hand, don’t. I want them to return to Palestine as per UN resolution 194. What have you done for them?

Thumb 30 July 2024, 00:51

Jade, your argument that Lebanon should not bear the cost of supporting Palestine is shortsighted and dangerous. Ignoring the genocide in Palestine today sets a precedent that threatens Lebanon’s security tomorrow. It is in Lebanon's strategic interest to fight against Israel's expansionist ambitions now, before they come knocking on our own door. Supporting the Palestinian cause is not a choice but a moral obligation! To stand idly by while Israel commits genocide is to endorse their crimes. Lebanon's stance is a beacon of justice in a world marred by hypocrisy and complicity.

The pain of losing loved ones is profound, but sacrificing principles and abandoning the Palestinian cause will not bring peace or security. Lebanon’s support for Palestinians is a strategic necessity, not an optional burden. It is about securing a future where both Palestinians and Lebanese can live without the shadow of Israeli aggression.

Thumb 30 July 2024, 04:23

Jade, loving Lebanon means fighting for a just and peaceful future. It is not about choosing between Lebanon and Palestine but recognizing that their fates are intertwined. The security and dignity of both peoples are connected. True patriotism involves standing up for justice, not succumbing to fear or selfishness. The mistakes of the past are not a justification for abandoning a just cause. The issues you cite, such as the PLO’s actions in Lebanon, stem from specific historical contexts and should not be used to dismiss the current moral imperative.

The crimes and overreach of certain factions in the past do not negate the legitimate rights and suffering of Palestinians today. The geopolitical landscape has drastically changed since the days of the Cairo Accord.

Thumb 30 July 2024, 04:24

The current alliance of Iran, Hezbollah, and other regional actors against Israeli aggression represents a different dynamic. The lessons of history must be used to inform better strategies, not to justify inaction or complicity in the face of genocide.

Supporting the Palestinian cause is not about jeopardizing Lebanon's security but about securing its future. The threat of Israeli expansionism is real and persistent. Lebanon’s proactive stance in supporting Palestine is a measure to deter future aggression and to preserve its sovereignty.

The legacy of leaders like Kamal Jumblatt, George Hawi, and others who fought for justice should not be tarnished by their tragic ends. Their sacrifices underscore the importance of the struggle against oppression. Abandoning the Palestinian cause dishonors their memory and the principles they stood for.

Thumb SupportBeirut 29 July 2024, 02:07

طالب رئيس حزب التوحيد العربي الوزير السابق وئام وهاب بوقف الحرب التي يخوضها حزب الله على الحدود الجنوبية اللبنانية.

وقال وهاب في منشور له عبر منصة إكس:

بصراحة ندعو الى وقف الحرب وعدم المغامرة بمصير لبنان، آن الأوان لأن يتوقف هذا النزف المستمر، المنطقة على فوهة بركان ولبنان سيدفع ثمناً

تصريحات وهاب أعقبت هجوماً حاداً شنه وهاب على من أسماهم “كلاب وسائل التواصل”، بعد حادثة انفجار الصارخ في بلدة مجدل شمس في الجولان السوري المحتل، قائلاً “لبعض كلاب وسائل التواصل: الشهداء في الجولان عرب سوريين وحافظوا على هويتهم العربية منذ العام ٦٧ وهم أشرف منكم لأنهم حافظوا عليها دون مقابل ولم يقبضوا مثلكم ثمن كلامهم . الأفضل انو يربطوكن أصحابكم ما حدا بدو فتنة”.

وأضاف وهاب “دمنا ليس رخيصاً ونطالب بتحقيق مستقل تشارك فيه الأمم المتحدة لكشف ملابسات مذبحة مجدل شمس”.