Geagea says south suffering due to reasons related to 'Iran's national security'


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea overnight said he expresses “the deepest sentiments of sympathy with the Lebanese southerners, especially the residents of border villages.”

“For the past 10 months, they have not known sleep or a moment of tranquility, that’s if they haven’t lost martyrs,” Geagea lamented during the annual dinner of the LF’s Upper Metn dept. in Maarab.

“What are the Lebanese national security necessities that have pushed us into this situation?” Geagea wondered, noting that “all the suffering that the people of the south are living today is linked to Iran’s national security.”

“The current war will end with disastrous consequences for Lebanon,” the LF leader added, saying “those responsible for the start of military operations in south Lebanon are to blame for all these losses.”

As for the solution, Geagea said “it is clear, easy and represented in the Lebanese Army’s deployment on the southern border and being in charge of defending it,” rejecting “the theories that promote that the Lebanese Army is impotent.”

Comments 4
Thumb 07 August 2024, 16:31

Everyone is suffering because a bunch of colonial nations controlling the UN decided to create a country with sick ethnic European Zionist settlers with mental disorders , they’re not even observing Jews. The most evil people on earth. If Samir Geagea doesn’t acknowledge this simple fact, then his integrity should be questioned because the ongoing Gaza genocide and apartheid is no longer tolerable nor bearable for the people of the Middle East.

Missing HellAndWaite 07 August 2024, 18:26

You are confused about history. The Ottoman empire was dissolved in 1922. Mandatory Palestine was established in 1920. The United Nations wasn't created until October 24, 1945. 25 years is a generation ...

If you are going to hate someone, at least pick the right target so you don't hurt innocents.

Thumb 08 August 2024, 00:44

Do you understand there are 39,000 identified Gazans killed as reported by the health ministry? The actual toll is estimated to be 190,000 because of the amount of destruction. That’s almost as many as the Lebanese who died during our 17-year-long civil war. Fifty percent of the victims are children. I’m not even mentioning the apartheid in the West Bank. What did those kids ever do to you? You speak about generations. My grandpa, whom I’ve never met, was born in the mid-1870s. He would have been way over 100 when I was born (and he lived almost a century), and perhaps this explains why I have a different perception from you.

Thumb 08 August 2024, 00:32

You got it wrong @signoflife. I don’t have a Palestinian granny. My grandma’s sister got married to a Palestinian from Nazareth during the Ottoman era. The northern half of Palestine was part of Vileyet Bayrut, a province of the empire. Moreover, I have Jewish ancestry in both paternal and maternal lines. I’m anti-Israeli/Zionist, not Judeophobic. Sometimes I light up the menorahs I inherited in their memory. None of them were Zionists. Today, we must stand by Hezbollah. There’s an ongoing genocide, and remaining silent and inactive is complicity. We can settle our political differences with them later.