Report: US relieved as Israel-Hezbollah war becomes unlikely


Washington is opposed to an expansion of the confrontations and is exerting major pressures to contain the escalation in Gaza and the West Bank, a diplomatic source said.

The U.S. administration is meanwhile relieved that the chances of a bigger Israel-Hezbollah war have diminished, the source told al-Joumhouria newspaper in remarks published Thursday.

“This matter helps and contributes to boosting the chances of a diplomatic solution,” the source added.

“Washington will continue its intensive efforts in this regard, while stressing that all parties should avoid making any escalatory step that would further worsen the situation and push to a broad war in which no party has an interest,” the source went on to say.

Comments 2
Thumb chrisrushlau 29 August 2024, 19:34

The source ended by saying, "Make no mistake, racism is the cornerstone of life in the US."

Thumb abe.linconstein 31 August 2024, 03:51

Unconvinced the source decided to ask the most intelligent US citizen about life in the US namely Mr chrisrushlau, who's lived in the US all his life,. Mr chrisrushlau started by saying, "Make no mistake, as a European Caucasian white male living in the whitest of white US states, I have suffered from racism all my life. First they gave the negros rights and they got the jobs and university spots that were rightfully ours. Then it was the Mexicans and the Chinese turn. And now we have the Arabs and the Indians everywhere. I hate racism and I want my country back the way it's supposed to be, European white except for the French."