Bassil says FPM 'emerged stronger' after 4 MPs' departure


Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil has explained the course of disagreements with the four MPs who have resigned or been expelled from the FPM, noting that “a lot of attempts were made for them to stay while guaranteeing their commitment.”

“The FPM will be stronger and will continue to carry the grand Lebanese causes,” Bassil said in an interview on OTV.

“The four MPs deliberately showed solidarity among each other, which harmed the FPM’s unity,” Bassil added, noting that “things started to take the form of a grouping after the 2022 elections, when they did not commit to the electoral requirements and when this group was given a name.”

Bassil also stressed that any of the four lawmakers had not nominated himself for the FPM’s presidency in 2019 nor in 2023.

“If they don’t like my performance, one of them should have nominated himself. If there is a problem in the system, then why no request for amending the system was made?” Bassil wondered.

He added that “all the known names who resigned from the FPM did so because they had wanted posts that they failed to attain.”

As for the decision-taking mechanism in the FPM, Bassil said “the FPM’s system is truly presidential, but all decisions are taken after consultations and with full consensus.”

“As for the presidential file, I told them that I would consult with them and share the decision with them, and the decision was taken through consensus,” the FPM chief added.

“The four MPs did not confront during (the) October 17 (anti-government uprising) and what happened inside the FPM was part of the campaign against it,” Bassil charged, noting that “today there is another type of October inside the FPM.”

“I reassure that the FPM has emerged stronger from this ordeal and commitment does not eliminate the diversity of opinions and ideas,” Bassil said.

“Chaos must stop, because discipline is what leads to achievements, without being an iron-fisted party,” the FPM chief added.

Separately, Bassil responded to Lebanese Force chief Samir Geagea’s announcement that “the FPM’s disintegration would be in the interest of entire Lebanon.”

“There is an interest in the continued presence of the LF, regardless of Samir Geagea, and the opinion of (LF founder) Bashir (Gemayel) about him is well-known,” Bassil added.

Comments 1
Thumb gebran_sons 12 September 2024, 08:11

Why is Bassil not yet in prison? No audit for the $40 billion he wasted/stole from energy while keeping country in dark? Nepotism and pay to play appointments worst form of corruption? Attack Christian sovereign leaders and established Christian families and businesse? Inflated role by Hizbollah in exchange for Aoun presidency tasked with preparing the ground for total Hizbollah (Iran Foreign Legion) occupation of Lebanon and control of all institutions? digging mountains for leaky dams to be used by Hizb when time to invade and control Christian areas? ... The ultimate political prostitute who sold Lebanon freedom and dignity to the Basij for 30 pieces of silver. No greater traitor in Lebanese history! No greater stupid people as FPM supporters! God save Lebanon from this cancer!