Netanyahu vows to carry on with Israeli strikes on Lebanon


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Tuesday that the Israeli military would press on with its aerial bombing campaign against Hezbollah, as Israeli jets pounded Lebanon.

"We will continue to hit Hezbollah... the one who has a missile in his living room and a rocket in his home will not have a home," Netanyahu said in a statement after visiting an Israeli intelligence base.

Comments 1
Thumb gebran_sons 24 September 2024, 22:06

WHO LIVE BY THE SWORD DIE BY THE SWORD. Netanyahu and Nassrallah are two sides of the same coin. Worshipers of violence and destruction, depending on each other to remain in power and avoid justice. Netanyahu close elections were thanks to Hizbollah rockets, as Hizbollah Iranian rockets are thanks to Netanyahu threats. Their Balance of Terror maintain hate and distrust necessary to kill two-state solution & sacrificing a whole Palestinian generation. Never delivering a final blow as their destiny is connected. Now ready again to reach a deal to safeguard Hizbollah arms & control of Lebanon so threat remains and both can remain in power. A match made in hell. Are Lebanese so stupid to allow an armed Hizbollah and its balance of terror to remain? Maybe yes with Trojan Horses like Jumblat & SSNP and Useful Idiots like Bassil & Frangieh who already sold Lebanon for 30 pieces of silver. One Iranian rocket remaining on our soil is a mortal threat to our nation and democracy. Wake up!