Hezbollah airs audio recording from slain leader Nasrallah


Hezbollah on Sunday aired an audio recording of its slain leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah just over two weeks after an Israeli air strike killed him in southern Beirut.

"We count on you... to defend your people, your families, your nation, your values and your dignity, and to defend this holy and blessed land and this honorable people," said Nasrallah, who was killed on September 27, in a recording it said was made as he addressed the group's fighters during a military maneuver.

Comments 11
Missing eword 14 October 2024, 15:11

"We count on you, to defend your people, your families, your nation, your values and your dignity, and to defend this holy and blessed land and this honorable people," he means you have to fend for yourselves because Hezbollah failed.

"he addressed the group's fighters during a military maneuver", all of whom are now dead, blind, maimed, homeless, orphaned because of his miscalculations.

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:17

WHO LIVE BY THE SWORD DIE BY THE SWORD. Netanyahu and Hizbollah are two sides of same coin. Worshipers of violence & destruction, depend on each other to remain in power & avoid justice. Netanyahu won close elections thank to Hizb rockets and Hizb uses Netanyahu threats to justify its arms. Balance of Terror to maintain hate & distrust necessary to kill two-state solution and sacrifice Palestinian hopes. Never delivering a final blow as their destiny is connected. Netanyahu may again reach deal with Hizb allowing some arms to keep control of Lebanon so threat remains and their grip on power. Are Lebanese so stupid to still allow armed Hizbollah for unbalance of terror? Maybe yes with Trojan Horses like Jumblat & SSNP and Useful Idiots like Bassil & Frangieh who already sold Lebanon sovereignty for 30 pieces of silver. One Iranian rocket remaining on our soil is a mortal threat to our nation & democracy and a nightmare to all displaced. Serious talks continue:

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:17

TALK35-SHAME ON ARMY: Hard to believe Lebanon army has not yet given Hizbollah an ultimatum to hand its arms including stored munitions & tunnels. Is army waiting for South/Beirut to become like Gaza to act? Hizb cares less if Lebanon is destroyed. Hizb properties must also be seized for refugees. Is there any dummy left that believes Hizb arms are to protect Lebanon or help Palestinians? Hizb is Iran’s Foreign Legion and its arms & rockets are to defend Iran nuclear nirvana & hegemony of Arab states. Today Hizb firing rockets & drones is a message from Iran to Israel as it plans its response. Hizb like Hamas gladly sacrificed its community to protect Iran interests knowing for every rocket lunched onto Israel Lebanese buildings are demolished and hundreds are injured or displaced. Lebanon sovereignty can only be protected by our army, border demarcation and West guaranties. Army must stop this tragedy now, disarm Hizb, put its leaders in Jail and protect borders.

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:17

TALK36-SHAME ON CHURCH LEADERS: major factor that enabled HizbIran to occupy Lebanon, destroy our institutions and spread misery and despair is incompetence of Christian church leaders. An insult to 2000-year brave history of the church. How can Mutran Aoude allow the poisoning of his community with SSNP dated propaganda? Yes my grandfather and many others saw wisdom in Antoon Saade, but what are today SSNP proud off: Assad dynasty Butchers of Syria, Syrian Mukhabarat torturing Lebanese and raping our sovereignty, or Chartouni the assassin of Bashir? How insulting SSNP name! Aoude and all orthodox Mutrans are guilty of collaboration. As to Batrak Rahi, never has there been more incompetent leader. Allowing Aoun and Frangieh to sell Lebanon to the Basij for 30 pieces of silver. Not seeing difference between sovereign leaders and traitors, granting legitimacy to a Vichy government under Hizb control. Where is Batrak Sfeir when Lebanon needs him!

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:17

TALK37-SHAME ON LAWYERS: Shame on Lebanese lawyers for being impotent unable to sue Iran in international courts on behalf of Lebanese with dual citizenships victims of Hizbollah crimes. This includes Hariri and M14 assassinations and victims of port blast and Hizb arm depot explosions. Shame for leaving these victims without justice when most needed and not setting-up a pro-bono Task Force prioritizing these lawsuits! Letting Hizb impose its brutal law of jungle is a judicial travesty. Lawsuits to compensate dual passport victims from Iranian Frozen Funds should be easy after Hizbollah (Iran's Foreign Legion) conviction in international courts and Nasrallah public admittance (recorded evidence) that his funds are from the criminal Iranian Regime. If Lebanese lawyers cannot win these obvious cases in international courts they should just go home and find another job. Also how can a party created & funded by a foreign county (foreign agent) is allowed in parliament elections?

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:18

TALK38-SHAME ON AMAL: how can the party of Imam Saddr, a Lebanese giant with same constructive and inclusive spirit as Rafiq Hariri, become surrogate to a brutal criminal Basij party. Amal reared in democracy, key demand of Iranian Green Revolution & Iranian diaspora demonstrations, allowed Lebanese Shia to turn into brainwashed Basij and enabled destruction of Lebanon institutions. Like Houthis, hungry children while millions spent on arms & tunnels to protect Iran. Displaced Shia appear foreign to their culture and traditions, dressing and talking like Basij. Brainwashed fighters ready to fight Lebanese army rather than giving up arms. While past Maronite political dominance was to preserve freedom & democracy, Hariri Sunni dominance focused on education, development & prosperity making Lebanon envy of the region; in contrast duo Shia dominance destroyed democracy, freedom and what Hariri built leaving a bankrupt beggar nation & utter desolation to all.

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:18

TALK39-SHAME ON DIASPORA: Powerful Lebanese diaspora has been eerily silent in these critical times. Still confused by Aoun/Bassil Faustian deal with Hizbollah. We are working hard to regroup and act, hoping soon Lebanese professionals can make a statement to media in all western capitals denouncing Hizb occupation of Lebanon & its Vichy government, calling immediate disarming Hizb (UN Resolution 1559), Israel total withdraw from Lebanon, border demarcation & Lebanese army positioned at borders to end all hostilities (Resolution 1701). More important, working to organize & fund Cedar Revolution II for no arms outside army & new parliament elections. Yes, reviving Gebran Tueni Oath & M14 martyrs dream this time with Shia key participation and support of Cedar Revolution II to be followed by a new parliament and government to enshrine freedom, justice, sovereignty, democracy, reconstruction, balanced investment throughout Lebanon and reprogramming.

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:18

TALK40-Al-Jazeera or Al-Dracula? PART 1-A decade from now when Arabs look back to what prevented 2-state solution, kept Netanyahu in power & hindered our region progress the answer will not be Israel or Iran but Al-Jazeera. It first Director Wadah Khanfar, an Islamist supremacist more radical than Brotherhood and Taliban, turned Al-Jazeera into a blood network seeking rating by celebrating victimhood, criticizing West, inciting violence, nurturing radicalism & amplifying voices for revenge on Israel & West. Al-Dracula glorified every attack even if an entire community is punished, including Hamas Oct 7 massacres. Never blaming Hamas for Taliban-like rule, human right abuses, non-existent women right, overpopulation while 75% of Gazans live on aid with Hamas leaders amassing riches. Promoting perpetual victimhood and revenge rather than solution. Killing any Israeli was Al-Jazeera nirvana and oxygen needed to indoctrinate and radicalize Arab youth throughout the world.

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:19

TALK41-Al-Jazeera or Al-Dracula? PART 2-My blood boiled over listening to Al-Jazeera military expert Hassem & writer Mounir Shafiq literally urging Hizbollah to respond with its ballistic missiles on Israeli cities. You could almost see Dracula teeth anxiously waiting for Israel to bleed, even if Lebanese cities and lives are destroyed. Most Al-Jazeera guests are eager for Hizb to keep attacking Israel even if this assures the destruction of Lebanese towns and people. Hasn’t Palestinian activists caused enough destruction in Lebanon, from Civil war on? Oct 7 was the excuse to destroy Gaza while Hamas hiding in tunnels. This pointless destruction could be avoided if Hamas leader accepted exile as Fatah did in 2002 when it left Beirut. Option not possible with Al-Jazeera seeking Israeli blood at any cost. Worse Al-Jazeera brainwashed and radicalized a whole generation of Arab and Muslims youth from North Africa to Afghanistan preparing the ground for ISIS and west hatred. Pure poison.

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:20

TALK42- Al-Jazeera or Al-Dracula? PART 3-Why Vivek Ramaswamy a proud first-generation Hindu (not people of the book) can talk of his US founding fathers but not any Arab. Al-Jazeera is the reason tens of million of Arab especially North Africans did not integrate in the West. They were brainwashed against integration, benefiting from West generous social benefits while claiming victimhood and discrimination. Preaching Muslim supremacy waiting to be majority in Europe to replace Western heretic ways with Sharia rules. Never promoting self-responsibility such as criticizing lack of women rights, forced burkas, and unemployed Gazans living on foreign aids having 10 kids they cannot support. When did Al-Jazeera report on Israeli Arabs or Druze well integrated in Israeli society? Historians will be the judge if Al-Jazeera poisoned a whole generation and the reason ISIS & Hamas found support, a 2-state solution not realized, and Netanyahu winning close elections radicaling Israelis.

Thumb gebran_sons 14 October 2024, 15:21

TALK43-Al-Jazeera or Al-Dracula? PART 4-Doha must be careful of the monster it created, despite the occasional good programming & Qatar foreign aid generosity, this blood TV may end up eating the hand feeding it. It radicalized a whole Arab generation becoming the oxygen ISIS, Hamas and Houthis needed to nurture hate and oppress its people. Worse it prevented Arabs from integrating in Western societies becoming suspicious of their host culture and democracy, easily radicalized. If Al-Jazeera apply same victimhood & Western standard to Qatar, it will report on Qatar parliament becoming 80% Pakistanis and Indians as most legally worked for over 5 years and by Western standard should become citizens. Anyone pretending Qatar an Islamic state will be put in Jail as well as anyone discriminating against foreign workers. Borders will be open to all refugees with a plan to integrate them. Diversity, equity & progressive tax to be adopted policy to eliminate all inequalities in Qatar.