Bassil says 'no defeat or victory' in Hezbollah-Israel war

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil said he supports Hezbollah in defending Lebanon but not in exposing it, calling for a full implementation of the ceasefire with Israel and for keeping Lebanon away from regional conflicts.
"We have lost the deterrence equation but Israel today cannot stroll in Lebanon the way it did in 1982," Bassil said in a televised interview. "There is neither defeat nor victory, but the Shiites now know that they cannot bet on other arenas and cannot continue with wrong choices."
Bassil added that Hezbollah has not been militarily crushed and that the Shiite component is not destroyed and cannot be excluded from the presidential juncture. "Neither can the opposition."
Bassil stressed that he rather supports a consensual president and that he himself has no chances as a presidential candidate.
Lebanese Forces Leader Samir Geagea has the right to nominate himself as a presidential candidate, Bassil said. "If he changes his approach, we would have no objection."

Israel will not need to "stroll" into Lebanon if Lebanon doesn't fire rockets into Israel or send fighters into Israel to capture its troops. If Lebanon is truly interested in peace with Israel a treaty is the best option. It has worked with Jordan and Egypt.

Jordan's and Egypt's prime incentive for peace is not having their countries look like Lebanon. In terms of "genocide," it is Lebanon and the Palestinians that are committed to Israel's annihilation (along with Iran, Yemen, etc.) and those countries which started this and every other war.

Shiite participation in governing Lebanon has not been defeated and should continue. Shiite militarism, adventurism, and foreign entanglements with Iran, Syria, Russia, and others has been defeated and should continue.
There is only 1 Lebanon, governed by 1 duly elected government, sovereign over all Lebanon's citizens, territory and resources. Every other project has and will be defeated. Every other attempt to restart such a project will be defeated.
Long live our nation. May it thrive once again, in peace with our neighbors. That is what we pledged when joining the United Nations.

Peace is good. You should try it instead of starting a war every decade or so, and then begging countries to help you rebuild what got destroyed in the war you started.

May your years be numbered and may your lusts follow you wherever time takes you.

Bassil: definition of political prostitute.
Michel Aoun sold Lebanon for 30 pieces of silver to become president (worst president in human history) and to inflate Bassil role. Nepotism and pay-to-play in crony appointments are the worst form of political corruption.
Their Faustian deal with Iran Foreign Legion (Hizbollah) turned Lebanon into a Swiss cheese filled with Iranian rockets and billions in arms from captagon and drug trade, illegal crossings, tax evasion, money laundering & mafia threats while most Lebanese were unable to afford medicine or food. Hizbollah raped Lebanon and our culture turning its community into brainless indoctrinated basij stranger to their own culture and values. Bassil and Aoun are guilty of high treason and deep corruption. Soon we'll see them in jail playing domino with Hizb leaders!