Geagea says ready to consider Aoun if 'liar' defiance camp endorses him

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Tuesday described the Hezbollah-led “defiance camp” as a “liar” camp, but noted that the LF is however willing to “carefully consider” the nomination of Army chief Joseph Aoun if the defiance camp officially endorses him for the presidency.
“Instead of highlighting their real stance on General Joseph Aoun’s nomination through serious statements and stances announcing that they reject his election as president, they filled TV screens with statements depicting the LF as being the obstacle in the way of Aoun’s nomination,” Geagea lamented.
“While the defiance groups have categorically rejected General Joseph Aoun’s presidential nomination for the past months or rather years, the LF has maintained a good relation with General Joseph Aoun and has never vetoed his nomination,” the LF leader clarified.

Geagea's Lebanese Forces describe themselves as "opposition and change" while mocking Hezbullah for being "defiance". On the other hand, Hezbullah is the actual government of Lebanon, with its Shia membership (?) being the majority of Lebanese citizens, but it acts meek and retiring.