Report: US-Saudi efforts to convince Berri to endorse Aoun

Paris is counting on U.S.-Saudi efforts to convince Speaker Nabih Berri to endorse Joseph Aoun’s presidential nomination, especially after U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein met with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan in Riyadh, An-Nahar newspaper reported on Tuesday.
“All the countries of the five-nation group for Lebanon agree to the army chief’s presidential nomination and Qatar has told the French at the highest levels that it supports Aoun,” a French source told the daily.
The source added that he does not rule out that French President Emmanuel Macron might call Berri after the parliament speaker meets with French presidential envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian.

No more mercenary money from bankrupt Iran, now milking Arab nations to pay for the damage duo created. Lebanese Vichy government already borrowing money from World Bank to remove debris and start repair. Also exhausting budget to cover medical expenses and pensions to Hizb fighters. Peanuts compared to the cost of HizbIran occupation for past 30 years that is in the hundreds of billions, transforming the shining City on the Hill and envy of the Arab World that Rafiq Hariri helped established into a beggar nation where people live in misery with majority unable to afford food or medicine. Well Arab will no longer provide grants just investments that will erode our best assets! What is needed immediately it to disarm Hizb and cease all its assets and bring its leaders and Assad collaborators brought to justice! A big trap to have presidential election before parliament election as current MPs do not represent the people.

Iran criminal regime will certainly fall in 2025, 15 years after 2010 Green Revolution when one third of Iranian demonstrated against the regime. They were brutally crushed by the brainwashed basij & revolutionary guards killing and imprisoning tens of thousands of most educated and productive Iranians, exiling tens of thousands, a massive brain drain. Iran, one of the greatest civilization on earth has been transformed into a backward brutal prison of the spirit and mind, a pariah state, a disgrace of Iran glorious history & culture. The aims of Green Revolution & recent demonstrations were nothing more than freedom & democracy Lebanese Shia enjoy. Berri, instead of siding with Iran reformers and freedom seekers as Imam Saddr would’ve certainly done, he sided with Basij for personal benefits. Time for Berri to go so Amal regains its soul. Why not in 2025 invite all Iranian Diaspora to Baalbek or Tyr to plan for free Iran after inevitable fall of this criminal regime.

INDEPENDENCE IS NOT GIVEN BUT EARNED! Round up all Hizb criminals responsible for Syrian massacres and hand them to Syria, same with those involved in Yemen massacres and rocket training. Anyone with half a brain can see similarity between Hizb and Assad public support. 100% with arms 0% without arms. Hero with arms and criminal tyrant without. Army must give this criminal Iranian brigade that had assassinated Lebanon’s best 30-day notice to surrender all its weapon or take them by force. Even if the army has to confront these Iranian mercenaries and lose hundreds of soldier martyrs in the battle, this is a small price to pay for Independence from Iranian occupation, to free Lebanese Shia from this nightmare, to save the country from this malignant cancer. Parliament elections should take place before presidential election as current parliament elected by Hizb arms & Assad remnants does not represent the people.