Salam reportedly seeks dialogue with Hezbollah and Amal

Prime Minister-designate Nawaf Salam is sseking “direct communication channels” with Hezbollah and the Amal Movement and has been quoted as saying that he wants “a direct dialogue over all matters,” the pro-Hezbollah al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Thursday.
The two parties “do not intend to boycott Salam or his government, regardless of any agreements that might be reached,” the daily quoted informed sources as saying.
“We have moved from a boycott decision to dialogue, because everyone, including (President Joseph) Aoun and Salam know that a non-participation of Hezbollah and the Amal Movement would not only lead to a governmental crisis, but also to a governance crisis, something that the president and the PM-designate do not want,” al-Akhbar quoted prominent sources as saying.
The sources added that Salam is inclined to form a “techno-political government.”

Salam seeks dialogue with Hezbollah and Amal, contrary to the last two PMs who took their orders from Hezbollah and Amal and did what they were told.

The only group excluded and duped for the past 30 years were Shia silent majority. Time to give them voice. Remember Assad 100% support with arms and 0% support without arms. Hero with arms and criminal without; So is Hizb support! One drop of Hizb foreign allegiance or Berri corruption in new government will spoil the whole government standing and trust with the world community. Hizb and Berri may select among the many honest and competent Shia for government, but none with loyalty to them if we are truly to benefit from this unique opportunity to save Lebanon from the abyss created by Hizb and Michel Aoun. In any case, Lebanon credibility depends on removing all arms outside army in next 30 days! Hopefully peacefully, but using army force if necessary!