Report: Amal to join Salam's govt. but Hezbollah won't

Contacts intensified over the past hours, through mediators between Baabda and Ain el-Tineh, in order to contain the dismay of Hezbollah and Speaker Nabih Berri, the Nidaa al-Watan newspaper reported on Friday.
“Baabda is betting on a breakthrough in the meeting between (PM-designate Nawaf) Salam and Berri today (Friday),” the daily added.
“Berri will inform Salam that he agrees to take part in the government whereas Hezbollah will not join it and the Shiite share will go to the Amal Movement,” Nidaa al-Watan said.
“The share will be reportedly five ministers in a 30-minister line-up,” the newspaper added.

FIRST BIG DISAPPOINTMENT IN SALAM. Everyone knew Duo, who don’t even represent the majority of Shia, will torpedo every government they are not key players in “managing” international aids to rebuild their communities (ignoring the hundreds of billions in direct & indirect costs suffered by the rest of Lebanese and the on-going borrowing that only law-abiding Lebanese will pay). Salam should have avoided this duo at any cost and proceeded in forming a techno honest competent government away from political mafia with first critical actions removing all arms outside army and implementing reforms. Clearly Salam is not the right PM. Lebanon may lose this unique opportunity for salvation and unprecedented international support due to Salam's lack of political skills and eagerness to compromise with the political mafia and criminal Hizbollah that destroyed Lebanon and assassinated its best leaders. Salam seems afflicted with Stockholm syndrome!

... and Toz who cares if they don't join. As a matter of fact since they are and Iranian entity and not Lebanese they should be in a government.