3 Lebanese Sentenced to Death for Spying for Israel
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Three Lebanese were sentenced to death by the Military Court on Friday for spying for Israel, a judicial source said.
The tribunal "condemned to death Moussa Ali Moussa, who was found guilty of having contacted the Israeli enemy and passing on information," the source said.
The court found that Moussa had passed on to the Jewish state between 2000 and 2010 "information on officials from Hizbullah."
The court also condemned to death in absentia Ali Sweid and Ahmed Hussein Abdullah on charges of spying for Israel.
Lebanese authorities in 2009 launched a national crackdown on Israeli espionage rings. Lebanon and Israel remain technically in a state of war and convicted spies can face the death penalty.
More than 100 people have been arrested on suspicion of collaborating with Israel's Mossad spy agency, including retired army general Fayez Karam, members of the security forces and telecoms employees.
Several people have so far been sentenced to death, including one found guilty of helping Israel during its devastating 2006 war against Hizbullah. However, none of the death sentences has yet been carried out.

Then how come Fayez Karam gets only two years in jail? do these spies belong to a certain 3rd class sect? is this the "dawla 3adela qadera" bla bla bla. Hypocrisy upon Hypocrisy. Hariri government toppled because of the STL then hizbustan funds and renews the mandate of the STL, support all the arab revolutions except the Syrian one lol. Hail the libyan revolution (incidentaly supported/funded by the UNITED STATES THE GREAT SATA LOL)..what else.. oh.. support MALIKI, now a "maumani3" who basically came on American satanic tanks. THEME: there are no principles and it is all sectarian to the bone. Israel, who also is racist/sectarian survives in the middle east because of the reasons above. it is alright to have no principles if you are a politician but it is not so if you claim "resistance", standing for the right of the "opressed".."palestine" bla bla bla.. this is precisely why the hizbustan has zero political credit left int he arab world (except the sectarian base).

What about those who spies for Iran and Syria? Seriously! ? This Governement is a joke...

Hezbollah killed Hariri, Hezbollah is controlled by Iran, Hezbollah could not have killed Hariri (and others) without the orders coming from Iran. Yes, that's right, Iran ordered the killing of Hariri, a prime minister. That was an act of war by Iran against Lebanon.
Those who say Iran is a friendly country to Lebanon are ignorant. Iran is only friendly to one sect in Lebanon, and they have carried out acts of war against other sects in Lebanon.
Some are still in denial about the evil deeds done by Syria and Iran against Lebanon. Open your eyes

Sick country, sick nation. What about those spying for Syria and for Iran!?

You sound very angry. Hizballah is the problem, from what I understand.

Spies get sentenced to execution when there is proof that their spying activities led directly to Lebanese people getting killed. Got it? Not that complicated.

Lebanon a pluralist nation? LOL LOL LOL... Our judicial system is totally corrupt. And indeed, I wasn't aware that Iran and Syria were diplomatically allies of Lebanon. They may be friends but nothing more. And to my knowledge, friends don't support one faction against another and so on. Hence, the pasdaran walking around Beirut and other foreign moukhabarat should be tried as well. We all know that israel is an enemy but we shouldn't go for the stupid ' the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. Because those very friends are only here to take advantage of us. HANG THEM ALL!

what the hell are you saying ? why don't you go back to elementary and learn how to write and read maybe then you will make some sense

FT, incase you didnt realise as well that we are not at war with the USA...

What did those accused individuals really do? sold Israel secret info? why are we not impeaching Hassan Nasrallah for killing 2000 innocent people in 2006? just like those dealt with Israel, Hassouna dealt with Iran, both have broken a protocol for dealing with a foreign entity to destroy Lebanon one way or another.

Prime suspect, you make valid points. But I'll tell you how I distinguish my allies from my enemies. My allies (X and Y) are the ones that help me get rid of an invading, occupying force.
I in no way condone what they might have done on the side, but still. Without them, we'd still be enslaved by our friends on our southern border (A), who get weapons sent to them daily by (B) to kill us and our children through mines, cluster bombs hidden in toys, and whatnot.
Find A, B, X, and Y. :)

Lebanon has been forcefully twisted towards one axis and there will never be true justice in it till the Syrian and Iranian regimes' influences are nullified.

@Flame smarty: If I follow your logic, Iran sends the signals to Hizbollah to go to Thailand, India or Iraq to kill Zionists, when Israel retaliate and attacks Hezbollah/Lebanon infrastructure for killing their citizens then you are claiming just as in 2006 Iran should not be touched because they were not the whistle blowers. What you do not get into your head is that nothing is free in life, when money and weapons go to Hezbollah they go to the militia for a price for Hassan Nasrallah to brain wash people to follow Khomeini ideology and be a slave for them.

Anyone that undermines their country and spies for a foreign country is a spy and traitor. I dont believe in the death penalty, but we are officially at war with israel who openly shown that they are willing to kill and destroy us. Therefore anyone found to be working for the enemy is a traitor and deserves to be punished.
At the same time, we don't need to be at war with a country for spy's and traitors to be guilty working against their country. If you put Syria or Iran against your fellow country men, u are also the wrong.
The U.S. have caught spy's from Israel and have jailed them on occasion. Israeli spy's have been caught in Australia. A spy is a spy and a traitor is a traitor. Regardless of who they are working for.

Ado, I agree with what you say. Thank you.
I think you have used a relatively mild term for those putting the interests of Syria and Iran against their fellow country men. You say there are "wrong".
I would go one step further and call them a traitor and a spy. Maybe you meant this as well, but it wasn't clear from you comment.

hence how they are all shiaa.... the filth of the arabs...enough said...