Suleiman from Romania: Lebanon to Work on Restoring Syria’s Membership in Arab League

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President Michel Suleiman said Tuesday that Lebanon will exert efforts to restore Syria’s membership in the Arab League whose decisions are respected by Beirut no matter what its stance is.

“No matter what Lebanon’s stance is at Arab League summits, it commits itself to its decisions,” Suleiman said at a joint press conference with his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu in Bucharest.

“We will work on restoring Syria’s membership in the Arab League” which “is not only for Arab regimes but for the Arab people,” he stressed.

“Lebanon’s stance has always been in favor of Arab consensus,” Suleiman told reporters, saying that no Arab country should be isolated.

The president also expressed keenness on finding a solution to the Syrian crisis as soon as possible.

The Arab League suspended Syria’s membership in November. But Lebanon voted against the decision.

“Lebanon will attend the next Arab League summit and will take the appropriate decision depending on the resolutions that will be adopted,” he stressed.

Suleiman also said he asked Basescu for Romania’s contribution to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and stressed on preventive diplomacy as a solution to conflicts.

He reiterated the rejection of Lebanese authorities to naturalize Palestinians in Lebanon.

On bilateral cooperation, Suleiman said he agreed with his counterpart to consolidate economic and cultural collaboration between the two countries.

The foreign ministries of the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding and preparations are underway to sign a deal to cooperate in the education, cultural and sports fields, Suleiman said.

Basescu, in his turn, vowed to consolidate the Lebanese army by providing it with ammunition. He also said Romania will seek to increase the number of scholarships provided to Lebanon students.

Suleiman arrived in Romania at the head of a ministerial delegation on Monday.

Comments 19
Thumb primesuspect 28 February 2012, 14:10

General president Suleiman is working against the interests of the Syrian people, hence the Lebanese bien-être. Ya 3ayb el shoom; no compassion whatsoever for the thousands of civilian casualties.

Default-user-icon Horus (Guest) 28 February 2012, 15:41

You were placed by the Syrians to do the job you are conducting today, good jon Mr President, shamely though the last President of Lebanon was Rene Moawad back all the way in 1989,hmm I wonder who murdered him ?

Thumb thepatriot 28 February 2012, 16:00

Instead of exerting "efforts to restore Syria’s membership in the Arab League" mind your own business and try to act for your own country! This shadow of a president seems to care for his puppeteer more than he cares for his people!

Thumb joesikemrex 29 February 2012, 02:57

Its time to restore the Lebanese presidency to a true patriotic Lebanese.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 28 February 2012, 19:54

Why should Lebanon work on restoring Syria in the Arab league? Let Syria stop killing everyone and restore themselves.

Default-user-icon samasimo (Guest) 29 February 2012, 01:48

Gabby, I thought the game was over for "ASSad" 64 Wednesdays ago as you had predicted 3725 times since 2005. You keep giving "ASSad" grace period after grace period and now you tell us let Syria stop killing everyone and restore themselves? When will you stop this charade with your grace periods? You must be a spy for the "ASSad" regime. Are you? Be honest. ARE YOU??? I dare you respond. I DARE YOU, MY FRIEND GABBY. Or you can ask peace or thepatriot or allouchi or slash or realist or... whatever... respond.

Thumb thepatriot 29 February 2012, 12:57

Assad IS over. Whatever happens next, him and his regime are over.
They have tried to supress a movement the way his father did 30 years ago. The ophtalmologist did not realise that this is the era of the internet, cellular phones, and fast communication means. He spilled too much blood and will never be forgiven by his people or the very vast majority of the world nations. He is finished. Now, the fights can go one for weeks, months, years, days, no one can really tell (yes, not even Michel Aoun;) ), but the turning back point has been crossed over...

Missing hasanzibowawa1 28 February 2012, 20:12

not surprising since he needed syria's blessings to become general of the army and president of lebanon. it is time to pay back... further, what was your point of view mr president when it was Libya! did you take the same action whem ghadafi was in power since the arab league is for the arab people and not just for the regimes?

Missing ayoor 28 February 2012, 20:22

because we have no politicians in Lebanon ONLY people who want to steal money in the name of their people

Missing kuluna_lil_watan 28 February 2012, 20:26

Allah 3een el fa2ir bi Lebnen!!! May God help the poor in Lebanon, they are the ones who suffer the most secondary to these corrupted sharks

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 28 February 2012, 22:02

Inta get the government to meet w ma 3leik ... trok el be2e 3a Allah.
Do you want to solve the issues in the Tibet as well??? rakkez 3a sha3bak ya fakhamet el ra2ees ... ne7na 3ayzeenak aktar men el Syrian regime now ... what happens to all these generals??? I wonder if we'll ever learn not to get a general into political power anymore ... never worked and never will.

Thumb primesuspect 28 February 2012, 23:53

France learned its lessons 40+ years ago. DeGaulle was the last one. I guess we, in Lebanon, will have to deal with the latest billionaire to date[stolen public money] General Aoun in the near future.

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 28 February 2012, 22:03

Yes because Romania has a lot of influence on getting Syria in the Arab league. No re-entry for Syria until the Assad regime is out.

Missing kuluna_lil_watan 28 February 2012, 22:57

Can anyone tell me why naharnet is erasing my comments?

Thumb joesikemrex 29 February 2012, 02:59

I suspected for a while one of their forum admins is a hardcore orange Valium addict in yellow under

Thumb joesikemrex 29 February 2012, 03:00


Thumb thepatriot 29 February 2012, 13:00

They also deleted my first post... they don't like it when we attack "the (ghost) President" I guess...

Missing kuluna_lil_watan 28 February 2012, 23:17

This president, or whatever you want to call him has NO HONOR.
Why don't you worry first about finding solutions for your own country's problems and then worry about kissing Assaad behind. SHAME ON YOU!!!! SHAME ON ALL THE LEBANESE POLITICIANS who only worry about everyone else except their own country...

Default-user-icon sadfwe (Guest) 17 September 2013, 23:12