Jumblat Urges Cabinet to Turn to Citizens’ Priorities

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed that the cabinet is asked to meet the interests of the Lebanese citizens and priorities instead of engaging in useless debates.

“The citizens must have their priorities met, especially (in) the electricity” sector, Jumblat told An Nahar newspaper on Wednesday.

He voiced his support to the cabinet, although there are “some differences among its members” especially concerning the situation in Syria.

The cabinet reconvened on Monday after almost a 4-week rift between FPM leader MP Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Najib Miqati over his decision to appoint top civil servants in state posts reserved for Christians without consulting ministers loyal to the FPM chief.

On the situation in neighboring Syria, the Druze leader reiterated that the international community “is incapable of protecting civilians.”

“They should at least ensure humanitarian corridors under the sponsorship of the International Committee of the Red Cross to aid those who are wounded,” Jumblat told An Nahar.

He accused Russia of providing the Syrian regime with military experts, arms and equipment, “just like the Iranians.”

“I have remained alone (in my position on Syria), and these are my convictions,” Jumblat stated.

He said that rallies against the Syrian regime should be held in support of the Syrian people, “on the condition that these rallies don’t turn to clashes with the supporters of the regime in Lebanon.”

Lebanon is witnessing a sharp rift between the March 14-led opposition and the March 8 alliance on the developments in Syria as fears mount of the unrest in Syria spilling over into the country.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon achrafieh (Guest) 29 February 2012, 11:13

your right mr joumblat like always , as for the problem of electricity the goverment should punish the people who fired from the goverment the late GEORGES FREM who had a serious plan for electricity and some then including you mr joumblat fired him

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 29 February 2012, 12:00

as long as hizballah gvmt is active, nobody will forgive walid beik, and he knows what to do.. its a question of trust.

Thumb benzona 29 February 2012, 12:21

Finally some common sense. Perhaps he could ask his hezbollahi ally to pay for the electricity stolen by the shia community for decades. We need money to finance new power plants and everybody has to contribute. It seems that the current and past governments have the bad habit of borrowing (hence putting us and our children in debt) cash too easily. Sometimes it doesn't even benefit the citizens (the billions of $ that evaporated). ya 3ayb el shoom. They call themselves Christians and Muslims.

Default-user-icon Sombrero (Guest) 29 February 2012, 20:10

Who knew that MP Mohammad Qabbani of Al Mustaqbal is from the shia community? The longer you live the more you learn from racist and bigoted pigs. These pigs seem to not have heard of or read about (due to the lack of electricity, perhaps?) the 60+ billion of US dollars that Rafic Syria (from the shia community also?) and his mafia stole from the coffers and from the pockets of the decent Lebanese. SIXTY BILLION US DOLLARS!!!

Missing helicopter 01 March 2012, 06:48

He is kissing up to the future Syrian regime. He always tries to be ahead of the curve. His alliance with the PLO against his country men in the 70s andd 80s and what he did to the Christians of Shouf and Aley exceeds what Assad is doing to Homs and to Lebanon. And not long ago he was kissing up to Bahsar.