Cypriot FM Stresses Oil Deal with Israel Will Not be Modified, Seeks Agreement with Lebanon
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Cypriot Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis stressed on Friday that her country will not modify its agreement with Israel over the Exclusive Economic Zone, which Beirut and Tel Aviv are bickering over.
“We have already signed a deal with Israel, we would be very happy if Lebanon and Israel agreed on the matter, which would facilitate implementing our deal with Israel,” Kozakou-Marcoullis told As Safir newspaper.
She revealed that Cyprus is seeking to resolve the dispute, saying: “We are optimistic.”
An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is a maritime zone, in which a state has rights over the exploration and use of marine resources.
A prolonged debate emerged between Lebanon over the maritime border after the discovery of potential offshore energy reserves as both claims a disputed area consists of about 854 square kilometers.
The Israeli map conflicts with Lebanon's proposed borders, which give the Jewish state less territorial waters and was submitted to the U.N. in 2011.
Beirut argues its map is in line with an armistice accord drawn up in 1949, an agreement which is not contested by Israel.
“We are looking forward for a solution, it doesn’t necessary have to be an agreement between the two” as they are in a hostile state, the FM stated.
Kozakou-Marcoullis noted that her visit to Lebanon aims at tackling the cooperation between Nicosia and Beirut in oil exploration, civil defense, rescue operations, tourism and commerce fields.
“Lebanon and Cyprus inked a deal in 2007 for demarking the EEZ but the Lebanese parliament hasn’t approved it yet due to the dispute with Israel,” she said.
The Cypriot FM lashed out at Turkey when asked about Ankara’s stance on the deal between Lebanon and Cyprus as it opposes its implementation.
“Turkey has no role in this matter; we are a sovereign state so is Lebanon, and Turkey has no right to interfere in this bilateral agreement.”
Cyprus is locked in a row with Turkey over maritime gas exploration rights.
Cypriot President Demetris Christofias accused Turkey of threatening Cyprus over its decision to launch a second licensing round for offshore oil and gas exploration blocks.
Kozakou-Marcoullis met separately on Friday with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aound and Phalange Party leader Amine Gemayel.
Concerning the unrest in Syria, she urged the Syrian regime and the rebels to halt the violence, opposing any military intervention in Syria as it would lead to a civil war.
“A military intervention would have unexpected and dangerous repercussions on Lebanon and the region as a whole,” she stressed.
She hoped that all parties would reach a peaceful, political solution that ends the killing and the massacres.
FM Kozakou-Marcoullis arrived in Lebanon on Thursday on a two-day visit at the head of a high-ranking delegation as she met separately with President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Speaker Nabih Berri.

This issue can be solved by a mutual negotiation with all 3 parties.
Doubt if Lebanese government will show its maturity by sitting same table with Israeli representatives.
Frankly speaking I doubt.
They will prefer loosing it all than negotiating near the same table.

Danny, all we want is a partner who respects us and honours international law. When Israel becomes that type of negotiating partner, then Israel will see much more sides willing to negotiate. Bibi and your racist foriegn minister are not such partners.

Danny B, get lost. Children of satan have no right to advice others. Repent for rejecting jesus and for your zionism, the satanic evil. None of the oil belongs to you anf whatever you steal, eventually you will loose. God punished jews with hitler for a reason, whwn will you wake up instead of continuing with your wicked path?

lebanesedude: if you are such a believer , why don't you quote from the holly bible:
"Will an Ethiopian change his skin color or a leopard his spots?
Same with you.
Don't try to paint your hate in pink color as if you moderate and you hate only Zionist but we saw who run with his troops to Hitler suggesting his assistance to liquidate Jews.
Ask the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin El Husseini who declared Jihad on Jews.
So this is exactly the reason why you still count your dead.
Not from Jews / Israeli, you kill yourself with better efficiency.
God forbids if Jews has lost wars with Arabs. What Bashar doing to his own people whould be paradise if Jews would have fallen in Arab's hands.
Eat your heart, we continue developing our (YES OUR) country and get Nobel prices while you kill each other.

danny b i'm happy for the nobel prize winners, but it is not you nor israel who is winning anything...without the US support you are only as developed as your neighbors... don't get too excited. and don't dare link israel to jews... it simply is not the same thing.

To: This is It. When an ignorant is quiet people might think he is clever. However as you can't be considered as a wise guy, you open your mouth and show you know nothing.
You make me laugh by telling : don't link Israel to Jews.
Like not linking Muslims to Mecca.
To which direction Jew pray 3 times a day? to Beirut ? to Cairo or may be New York, we'll surprise surprise we pray to the direction of Jerusalem and contrary to the Kuraan, Jerusalem is mentioned in Jewish bible 360 times.