Three Soldiers Wounded in Shooting in Tripoli

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Three soldiers were wounded when unknown assailants opened fire Saturday night at an army checkpoint in the northern city of Tripoli, reported Voice of Lebanon radio on Sunday.

A security official told Agence France Presse that the shooting took place at a checkpoint located between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen.

He said that the assailants initially opened fire towards Jabal Mohsen, prompting the soldiers to retaliate.

A shooting consequently broke out for a few moments between the neighborhood of Harat al-Baranieh and Jabal Mohsen.

Tensions are high between the Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen neighborhoods that have repeatedly witnessed clashes.

The tensions have been intensified in light of the eruption of the Syrian uprising, with Bab al-Tabbaneh supporting the Syrian people and Jabal Mohsen supporting the ruling regime.

The most recent of clashes between the two neighborhoods took place in February over support of the Syrian developments.

At least five people, including soldiers, were wounded in the incident.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon Disgusted (Guest) 01 April 2012, 11:39

This is ridiculous...How long will this go... what is the fight about... and why are these poor Lebanese soldiers paying the price of some idiots fanaticism... enough is enough...

Default-user-icon Thompson (Guest) 01 April 2012, 15:44

Look at the picture. If the armed man was a resistance fighter, commentators here would call him a thug and terrorist, but since he is on Saudi Arabia payroll, no one comments about the presence of arms in outside the state's authority.

Default-user-icon Arz10452 (Guest) 01 April 2012, 16:15

The picture in this article says it all. The army should be arresting the militia man standing in front them with an AK 47, not discussing things with him.

Missing helicopter 01 April 2012, 17:13

Like I have said once before, vacate the civilians from both neighborhoods, seal off the area and let them go at each other until no one is left standing. One neighborhood is pro-Salafi and the other is pro-Alawi and both are anti-Lebanese, Rid Lebanon of them both

Thumb jcamerican 01 April 2012, 19:27

Better yet, send them to Syria. They can battle it there.

Missing helicopter 02 April 2012, 06:04

I am finding myself in agreement with you more and more lately.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 01 April 2012, 17:14

the army should let them fight each other,the salafis wahabies and persians to their extinsion,just encercle the area and let them kill each is a very sensitive problem like a rolex watch, the army should not take sides ,not even 1 pct.

Default-user-icon Murad (Guest) 01 April 2012, 17:29

unknown assailants? Lol, everyone knows it was our dear bin Ladenite brothers.

Thumb kesrweneh 01 April 2012, 21:54

where are the M14's won't they talk about poor Samer hanna and accuse the "thugs""terrorist"... of"hizbushaitan of doing this. Again the propaganda Machine of M14 works perfectly: 1 clash between Hezballah and the LA and they weap about it for years, 100's of them between the Harriri boys and Army and no one even comments the event

Default-user-icon Aziz (Guest) 02 April 2012, 00:29

what an idiot!..we've been saying it for years..collect all illegal weapons from everybody including your "asharf el-nass thugs" is those "divine" weapons that are giving excuse to others to also have weapons!

Missing helicopter 02 April 2012, 06:06

I was going to drive through the comments but yours forced me to go back and login to answer you. Whose comments are all of the above???? YES we are M14 complaining as to why those guys allowed to have weapons. Please go back and re-read the comments maybe once is not enough for you. So just for you I will repeat: Disarm all of them including your hezb.

Default-user-icon magid (Guest) 02 April 2012, 14:08

This is the most intimidating photo I have seen in my life. The guy in black facing the Lebanese soldiers should be disarmed immediately and jailed for carrying high powered arms. I don't care which side he belongs too. This is disgraceful and shameful. The State should be ashamed of itself! Like running a farm.