Gasoline Prices Reach Record Highs in Lebanon
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Energy Minister Jebran Bassil signed the weekly fuel price update on Saturday after a four-day delay, which saw the price of the 98-graded fuel skyrocket to LL40,000.
Bassil, who usually signs the price update each Wednesday, procrastinated in his signature over fears of a backlash due to an additional LL300 rise in the price of gasoline.
The price of the 95-graded fuel now stands at LL39,300.
Despite the new records in the cost of gasoline, the price of diesel oil dropped by LL300.
The head of the Association of Petroleum Importing Companies, Maroun Shammas, told LBC TV that the Lebanese should not react negatively to the price hike, saying the increase was global.

Gebran Bassil: i will cut my hand if the fuel skyrocket reach 35000L.L!!
It seems that his hand become too longer! this thief!

a responsible gvt seeing the rise of gasoline prices should make plans to create an efficient public transportation system!
tramways, coastal train (rafic hariri already had this idea in his time but ALL the MP were against him because they ferared to lose money!!!)
efficient bus system, taxi boats, limitation of traffic in the city center...
but i heard no one discuss this....

you are so blinded by your aoun that you forget a lot of things! yes hariri wanted to increase public transportation, create a subway, tramway and RAILWAY in a huge project that would have started in 1995 and finish in 2015..... but MPs even from his camp opposed this project because they would lose money or for other political reasons...
i guess you d say that this report from the french senate is a lie too? as you love facts here is one to support my arguments as you always accuse those who oppose you to fabricate evrything...
so you are maybe still alive but you have soon forgotten!!!!!

Lebanese like to copy westerners. I propose to use bikes. However, I would love to see Lebanese girls with 15cm high-heels riding bikes.

Great, less traffic next week.
Good public transportation is the only solution... Bicycles , also!

In 2008, WTI was 147$/BBL and we were paying 33,000LL per 20 Liters. Today WTI is 104$ so go figure...
Useless government with nothing but greedy thugs!!!
Time to re-load!!!

Also don't forget, there was this 5,000LL "tax" that was removed last year--I guess someone else is getting that now.

I believe there is a delay with the price of barrel compared to the price you pay at the station since you have to account for the time it goes to refineries and transport. If we have a line graph of both in a time-frame, the rise and falls should match with a delay.

Pls stop criticizing the government ... at least we have 3G now! and FT and his commrades can comment on naharnet while on the move.
Who cares if the "Tanke" is now for L.L. 40,000 ... malla 7komeh "Tanke" .. btw, who is installing LPG tanks in the cars these days? who took the rights to do that in Leb? I wonder if they are in any way affiliated to our "clean" ministers.

In morocco is de gasoline 1,50 dollar and diesel 0,92 dollar thats very expensive