FPM: Activists Intimidated in Tripoli, Security Forces 'Dissociated Themselves'

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The Free Patriotic Movement on Monday said its activists were “intimidated” on Sunday in the northern city of Tripoli by “some fanatics,” accusing security forces of “dissociating themselves from protecting citizens.”

“The latest period has witnessed numerous intimidation and assault incidents against FPM activists in the North region in general and in Tripoli in particular, the latest of which was on Sunday during the annual breakfast organized by al-Mina committee for the activists and supporters of the FPM and their families,” the FPM’s media department said in a statement, noting that security forces were informed of the gathering.

“The organizers noticed the presence of three police vehicles and a vehicle belonging to the (Internal Security Forces) Intelligence Bureau outside the restaurant, which were surrounded by young men carrying weapons and walkie-talkies and talking to the security forces,” the FPM added.

It said the number of young men soon increased before they “approached the restaurant’s entrance and disrupted traffic on the street, standing in the way of those arriving at the restaurant and trying to stop them from entering.”

“They launched threats, warning that they would destroy and torch the restaurant,” the FPM said in its statement.

The FPM said it was not surprised by “the acts of those extremist fanatics” and that it got used to their “hooliganism,” but condemned the security forces for “dissociating themselves from their mission of protecting citizens and leaving the arena to the fanatics.”

The FPM accused security forces of “trying to negotiate in their name,” noting that “one of al-Mina police station members telephoned the restaurant’s owner, trying to convince him to remove the FPM flag hoisted over the restaurant’s entrance alongside the Lebanese flag, in order to be able to convince the ‘young men’ to withdraw.”

The movement called on the interior ministry to address the incident, urging “accountability.”

It also rejected that Tripoli be turned into an “emirate”, lauding the army for “its prompt and strict intervention which spared the city a civil strife.”

Comments 19
Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 23 April 2012, 17:51

Loooooool exellent story by the FPM , ya3ne my god i can only imagine, if geagea is steven spielberg in his attempted assassination as Aounist say, of course Aoun and his FPM are Quentin tarantino or maybe even Georges Lucas from starwars. Incredible cast bravooo. Like anyone would care about the millionsalready dinners these bunch of brainwashed FPMers have had over the past years in tripoli. Always exagerating to get attention. But hey this is Lebanon, and every politician thats feel threatens begin to invent some kind of fictive threat so people can give them importance. Yes i do believe maybe FPM was not welcome in tripoli, like i guess mustaqbal wouldnt be welcome in Dahieh, or LF in zgharta. Specially after that Aoun keeps blasting the sunni leaders, mikati, hariri, Rifi... What do you expect?

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 23 April 2012, 17:53

So what i am saying is that a part of that maybe true , but a big part is completely bullshit. We all know very well that security forces have arrested a lot of these " Hooligans " during demonstrations against the syrian regimes, and also during illegal constructions. Something they didnt apply to M8ers. Anyway god help this country where leaders use sectarian hate to fill up pockets and fame.

Thumb beiruti 23 April 2012, 18:44

What to comment? FPM engages the rest of Lebanon like Hezbollah. Very provocative. Going into Tripoli as the essential empowering ally of Hezbollah, putting up its flags, like Hezbollah. It is like the act of a dog in a pen who urinates the bounds to mark his territory. This is what Iranian money has done to what could have been a nobel enterprise, the FPM.
And where were these FPM people when Hezbollah gunmen took to the streets on May 7, 2008? Where were the FPM people during the Beirut sit in demonstrations to close the government? Where were they with their demands that the government security forces act against the "hooligans"?
These are unprincipled political prostitutes these FPM people. They are slaves to their money and to those who give it to them.

Thumb Bandoul 23 April 2012, 18:58

Well said beiruti. Apparently “hooliganism" is only reserved to be used by members of the so called Party of God aka "Party of Lies and Disinformation". When they camped in front of parliment and crippled businesses for months without an end in sight, GMA praised them!

Thumb Bandoul 23 April 2012, 18:58

Well said beiruti. Apparently “hooliganism" is only reserved to be used by members of the so called Party of God aka "Party of Lies and Disinformation". When they camped in front of parliment and crippled businesses for months without an end in sight, GMA praised them!

Thumb Bandoul 23 April 2012, 20:52

You would rather spend your time torturing your keyboard with your insulting words than spend your time doing constructive things like earning a living, paying your bills and being a productive member of society.

Missing dimashki 23 April 2012, 20:54

In less than 12 months, the FPM along with all other Iranian Allied parties will be extinct.

Missing dimashki 24 April 2012, 13:35

Keep hoping FlameThrower. The only thing that will disappear in the near future is anything related to Iran in our part of the world. Your leaders will be charged with treason and will be charged for collaborating with the enemy.

We are the majority in this part of the world whether you like it or not. We respect and cherish everyone who doesn't belong to this religious reality but we will not accept anyone regardless of their sect who contributed to the killing of thousands of Syrians.

If you're saying that you want to exterminate the majority of the region's religious reality, I suggest that you pack your stuff from now and head to Tehran where your masters live.

Missing peace 23 April 2012, 21:18

your pb FT is that facts speak against you , so say anything you want the only blind one is those who refuse to see even if we bring you facts you ll deny it....

Thumb beiruti 23 April 2012, 21:54

@Flamethrower. When M14 was in power, it was in "unity governments" where M8 had veto power and blocked most every project that M14 sought to undertake. When M8 couldn't muster enough votes to block M14, it had M14 Deputies and Ministers killed.

You cannot compare M14's performance under those circumstances with the Mikati M8 government that is not a "unity government", has no M14 elements in it, much less a veto bloc. Without an M14 veto in the Mikati government, what have they done? Thibran Bassil has become wealthy and Aoun has fought with Berri, Jumblatt and everyone else to get offices for his family members. This is a record to run on in 2013?
What? Do you think we all suffer amnesia??

Missing forces 24 April 2012, 13:39

Flame you are on drugs mate.. have you read your coments? "accusatory tone" is there anyone you haven't accused or belittled in your posts? If you really want reconciliation you must first be man enough to accept critisism. and be able to differentiate between critisisim and insult. Denial is your biggest enemy we must accept responsibilty for our actions and acknowledge when we are wrong in order to have any reconciliation.

Default-user-icon Imad (Guest) 24 April 2012, 04:49

Listen U M18 and M8 and M16 and M3 and ak47 and b7. One American H BOMB and u will all be turned into an M0 for Zero Nothing. So stop quiberring like a bunch of girls on their periods and get with it. If, as Lebanese, you can't even stand together, than u will fall separately. The Jews are after than you.

Default-user-icon Marc Y (Guest) 24 April 2012, 07:21

FPM has the right to go where they want and put their flags wherever they wants. It's a free country, as for the beards of Tripoli, they have to learn to respect others (not necessarily to love) but at least respect and learn that Lebanon is to date a free country and we will not accept it to be otherwise. As for the FPM, he is in the government and he can order the ISF to intervene. He should stop bitching about it and take action. They wine a lot these FPMers

Default-user-icon NR (Guest) 24 April 2012, 08:48

Whether you agree or not with FPM, such acts should be condemned. Lebanese authorities should protected lebanese people from M14 or M8.
If they didn't do anything against HA in May 7, it's not an excuse to continue not doing anything.And the more they do nothing the more we are facing dangers like what happens in May 7.
There are christians living in Tripoli, and thus there are FPM activists in Tripoli as there are christian activists from M14. FPM activists didnt go from Beirut to Tripoli to provoke people.

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