Kanaan: Suleiman, Miqati’s Failure to Approve $5.9 Bln Bill Aimed at Vindicating Past Governments

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The head of the parliamentary Finance and Budget Committee MP Ibrahim Kanaan held President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Miqati responsible for the current “poor” situation regarding the government spending file.

He told As Safir newspaper in remarks published on Thursday: “Their failure to approve the $5.9 billion spending bill is aimed at vindicating previous governments at the expense of public funds and the constitution.”

“Humanitarian, constitutional, and legal principles should not pay the price of such a settlement,” he stressed.

Suleiman is insisting that signing the $5.9 billion bill is a constitutional violation as it includes irregularities that should be settled by the parliament through the adoption of the reservations expressed by the legislature’s spending and budget committee.

Free Patriotic Movement MP Michel Aoun accused the president on Tuesday of forcing the government to violate the constitution by spending illegally in an attempt to appease the March 14 opposition concerning its demands to find a comprehensive solution to the extra-budgetary spending made since 2005, the last time Lebanon had an official state budget.

Baabda palace sources told As Safir Wednesday that Suleiman rejects allegations that he is seeking to settle the dispute on the $11 billion spent by the governments of ex-Premiers Fouad Saniora and Saad Hariri.

“Had the president wanted to cover up the $11 billion spending as some claim, he wouldn’t have proposed a solution to the $5.9 billion,” they said.

His visitors however quoted Suleiman as saying that the March 8 forces “agree outside the cabinet on whatever they want and they go there to impose” their opinion.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 10 May 2012, 10:34

Its not about March14th. Sleiman doesnt care about them as much as he cares about March8th. It is the violations in the budget like for example the 400 MILLION $ compensation for Minister Nicolas Fatoush's ma7massa that closed for 2 years which the governement should not even think about giving and we loud MP Sami Gemayel for bringing us the truth. Also the amount of comissions taken on the power generating ships that bassil wanted to take ( 60 million) and that mikati lowered during the only 2 hours talks. Anyway we know march 8th isnt better, in fact its worse and its not "reform and change" but rather "destruction and chaos" that General" speedy GonzalesAoun ,the coward , the runaway bride to france, will bring to Lebanon.

Default-user-icon snakes in wolves clothing (Guest) 10 May 2012, 11:47

perhaps this bill is only pro march 8 and anti march 14. seems march 8 forgot the "unity government" they forced on the march 14 majority government and threatened civil war and more bombs and assassinations if they didn't have their way.

Thumb kesrweneh 10 May 2012, 12:35

let's face it Siniora and HArriri stole our tax money, let them pay and that's it!! why all the fuss about it? for once let us act as a civilized country

Thumb Bandoul 10 May 2012, 21:47

Kindly provide documented facts so we can support your stances and seek justice alongside you, otherwise STFU and keep your head firmly planted in the nether region of ex GMA where the sun don't shine, nothing grows, the smell is foul and the mood is always sour.

Thumb Bandoul 10 May 2012, 21:55

@Lies and Disinformation Thrower, maybe if Lebanon wasn't up to its neck with debt incurred from having to rebuild it after your 2006 divine victory which resulted in your boss having to live under ground permanently, 1200 civilian deaths, millions of dollars in lost tourism revenue, and billions of dollars in infrastructure destruction. El Kzb is in your blood and you can't help yourself and you will never admit your party was in all the previous governments you list in your empty and pathetic accusations. You have no shame, no morals and zero conscience.

Thumb geha 10 May 2012, 13:41

there is not a single shread of proof they stole anything, but they are putiing pressure so they can hide what they are stealing :)

Thumb geha 10 May 2012, 17:24

I have been following up on some of your comments, and they all denote how much of a demented person you are.
the truth hurts apparently. for you and your likes to realize that those you follow are just a bunch of thieves, is so hard to swallow that you lash out at others :)
you are a zero as a person.

Default-user-icon Zee_Rock (Guest) 10 May 2012, 13:41

Actually Siniora approved to be audited under a condition to go all the way back to 1988. He blabs that big mouth a lot he's on a mission to tarnish hariri's reputation even after the guy is dead. History will always remember Hariri legacy as he is the one who build Beirut from ashes.
What would be Aoun's legacy after he meets his creator? lost wars, corruption, divisions, cowardliness, no morals no shit nothing.

Default-user-icon ??? (Guest) 10 May 2012, 16:46

FlameThrower: I find your comments very vulgar and irrational. The fact that you consider 99% of M14 as sheep in denial or the name calling for skyfall is inappropriate regardless of the subject or the context or the fact that you might be right. I like to read comments from time to time to get a feeling of what lebanese think. I am sorry to read so many aggressive comments on such reputable news site. Makes me wonder if Lebanese can really leave in peace together.

Missing peace 11 May 2012, 23:43

M8 = M hate,
the best example is FT to wish thousands of lebanese to be dead because they are M14...

you should be trialed for inciting hatred and murders....

Missing peace 10 May 2012, 18:03

funny how flamethrower quickly forget that his puppet orangina said that the syrian stole the majority of lebanon s treasure...now as they say that the assad regime is no more a terrorist regime and that they praise the syrian democracy, they want to accuse a new enemy....

just a bunch of populist party which make brainless followers believe whgat they want them to believe according to the allie sof the day...

hitler said it already: the biggest the lie, the more people believe it...just like M8 sheep....

Default-user-icon ImpressedWithM8 (Guest) 10 May 2012, 19:03

flame thrower, we2am wahab, alan aoun, emile rahme, nasser andeel,ibrahim ken3an, fayez shoukr, micheal smea7a, na3em kasem.