Aoun: Suleiman, Miqati, Jumblat Pushing Country to Harmful Course
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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Tuesday accused President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat of “practicing obstruction” and “pushing the country to a harmful course.”
“They deprived us of the majority that allows us to take decisions. Suleiman is obstructing the L.L.8,900 billion decree and saying there are obstacles,” said Aoun during an interview on his movement’s mouthpiece OTV.
“They have pushed the the country to a harmful course through their behavior over the financial issue and they creating a vacuum in state institutions by refusing to make appointments,” Aoun added.
He also accused them of “impeding the economic cycle, blocking appointments and attacking the army.”
“What has the army done to be attacked by Walid Jumblat?” Aoun wondered.
“I ask the president to tell me which article of the Constitution would he be violating if he signed the financial spending decree,” he added.
Aoun also accused Suleiman of rejecting dialogue and of being “intransigent.”
“He does not have anything (parliamentary and popular representation) and yet he wants his own share,” Aoun charged.
Asked about Miqati’s performance, Aoun said: “I knew that Miqati would disappoint me but I had to abide by the majority's decision” during the binding parliamentary consultations to name a premier following the collapse of Saad Hariri’s government.
Turning to the recent deadly clashes in Tripoli that left nine people dead and dozens wounded, Aoun said “the arrest of a suspect who is wanted by several international powers sparked the unrest in Tripoli.”
“I don't know why a party leader demanded his release,” he added, in reference to Jumblat.
“Maybe they gave the information to the General Security so that they don't implicate (head of the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Bureau) Wissam al-Hassan in Tripoli,” Aoun said.
General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim on Tuesday confirmed media reports that the arrest of Salafist activist Shadi al-Mawlawi was coordinated with a Western security agency, noting that al-Qaida exists in Lebanon and hinting that Mawlawi is a Qaida member.
Mawlawi’s arrest on Saturday in the northern city of Tripoli by General Security agents had infuriated the city’s Islamists and sparked three days of deadly clashes between the rival neighborhoods of Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh.
Aoun also stressed that “the presence of arms in Dahiyeh does not justify taking up arms in Tripoli.”
15 May 2012, 22:01
Aoun: I knew that Miqati would disappoint me but I had to abide by the majority's decision.
15 May 2012, 22:00
Aoun: Suleiman does not want dialogue and he is being intransigent. He does not have parliamentary or popular representation and yet he wants his own share.
15 May 2012, 21:47
Aoun: I ask the president to tell me which article of the Constitution would he be violating if he signed the financial spending decree.
15 May 2012, 21:46
Aoun: They are impeding the economic cycle, blocking appointments and attacking the army. What has the army done to be attacked by Walid Jumblat?
15 May 2012, 21:44
Aoun: Their behavior over the financial issue is subversive to the country and they creating a vacuum in state institutions by refusing to make appointments.
15 May 2012, 21:42
Aoun: President Suleiman, Miqati and Jumblat are practicing obstruction and they deprived us of the majority that allows us to take decisions. Suleiman is obstructing the L.L.8,900 billion decree and saying there are obstacles.
15 May 2012, 21:28
Aoun: The presence of arms in Dahiyeh does not justify taking up arms in Tripoli.
15 May 2012, 21:21
Aoun: Maybe they gave the information to the General Security so that they don't implicate Wissam al-Hassan in Tripoli.
15 May 2012, 21:20
FPM leader MP Michel Aoun in an interview on OTV: The arrest of a suspect who is wanted by several international powers sparked the unrest in Tripoli, and I don't know why a party leader demanded his release.

in other words: "its ok if we have weapons and threaten you with them. But no one else can do it!"

"The presence of arms in Dahiyeh does not justify taking up arms in Tripoli. "
oh! yes it does! let me remind you... hezb has the biggest arsenal in lebanon and always said it was to "resist" against israel. But then they used it against the lebanese population violtaing their "promise". The sunnis felt targeted by hezb. the gvt is doing nothing in the north to protect the boredrs and when lebanese are killed they don t even bother.
the sunnis again feel targeted.
tell us then when a population feels targeted, isn t the natural reflex to protect themselves and rearm? the gvt does nothing, hezb can do anything nobody go after them! isn t it logic that people want to defend themselves?
in no case it is right,to stock arms except the armed forces of the country, but as long as you protect the hezb and its arms, don t cry if people do the same! it s mathematical....!!!!!

Your logic is flawed, and you should not name yourself "peace" with that attitude and thinking style.
Plus I want to remind you that Hezb turning their guns on Beirut was a reaction, not an action. Telling one side of a story and leaving a big portion of it out is a nice tactic, but it does not convince logical thinkers who follow history.
Mind you, a lot of what the General says boggles my mind.

hezb turning its guns was an ACTION... you find it normal that a political party kills citizens just because they disagree with the gvt? ... poor guy who pretends to call himself peace...

He so funny, he so far attacked Miquati, Suleiman, Wissam al-Hassan, Jumblat etc.. He will attack and insult himself after few minutes :) LOL

it is not pavlov poor FT but reacting to his weekly bullshit... just like you with the leaders you hate, no?

"The presence of arms in Dahiyeh does not justify taking up arms in Tripoli." The exact opposite can be argued. When the arms are held by one party and used not only to impose a political will, but also to declare war at their will and take the whole country hostage, to bully and threaten everyone who stands in their way, and to invade Beirut when they don't get their way, taking arms can the only to achieve balance. I wonder if Aoun thinks when he speaks. When you make an argument, you have to make a solid argument, but Aoun makes arguments that he himself is not convinced of because he was making the exact opposite arguments a few years back.

"it's good to see you're a bunch of reactionaries (:
aoun actually gives you a purpose. without his weekly appearances you have no life!!! :D"
good it pleases you mister-i-m-better-than-everyone!
at least you have a purpose too = you can come and spit your FPM BS to defend your master and his radical changes of view since he has prostituted his ideas for a few dollars...
and you seem so happy to be his loyal pup , i will not contradict you!!
3aw 3aw

"“They deprived us of the majority that allows us to take decisions."
oh! poor orangina he is crying and sad that the others do to him like he did to the previous gvt!!!!

There are many Al-Qaedas in Lebanon (a small one that is Sunni, a much larger one that is Shiaa, Palestenian camps, SNP and other khrafeech)..... the centrists (literate and patriotic moderates) must collaborate to get rid of them all. We can not disarm one by arming the other, we need to hold the steady position of demanding disarming ALL (remember Ghandi did not beat the British out of India by fighting them but by holding the moral high ground). In due time, the army can be made stronger, and hopefully the fall of the Syrian regime will then give us the window to achieve this goal.

@ FT
U surely must be employed by the FPM. U seem intelligent, and no intelligent person would support Aoun, who seems to be a war mongrol and simply a psychopath. By the way i do not belong to and i do not support any political group in lebanon.

Seems to me that this is a little "payback" to what this government did to the previous one.
They want the Hizballah members arrested, but they can't arrest them. They are also wanted by "international powers." Why arrest one and not the others?
Not that I'm defending them, two wrongs never make a right. Just following the illogical thought pattern.
But I agree with both your comments.

More psychosis, more transference, more denial. I thing he's finally gone over to complete delusionalism. It's not worth the time any more to react to this crap.

This senile old man is full of contradictions. He claims that the Taef accord deprived Christians of their rightful power, and that he wants more power for the Presidency, yet he doesn't cease to contradict and undermine President Suleiman at every opportunity. He only wants true power for the Presidency if he himself is president, or if the current president agrees to his demands.
NO WHERE in the constitution does it say that the person with the most "representatives" gets to usurp power from the President. The President does not derive his power from the number of his "representatives" in Parliament. That is a fake criteria made up by Aoun. The president is elected by ALL of Parliament, and the constitution allows him to make appointments at his discretion WITHOUT approval or agreement from a senile MP, and not in "proportion" to his number of "representatives".

"They deprived us of our majority that allows us to make decision"... Hey moron, do you understand how democracy works? Majority rules.
The only way M8 was able to select the government is because Jumblatt switched sides under intimidation. If Jumblatt switched back, the majority in Parliament becomes M14. This is called democracy.
Only Aoun can say with a straight face that the President and Prime Minister are depriving him of his rightful decisions and obstructing the government. The Prime Minister and the President are at the top of the food chain, the highest leaders of the government, and somehow Aoun concludes that he is above them and that his directives are being obstructed. Unbelievable
Anytime GMA is on TV naharnet is swarming with comments! no way the man is the nbr 1 Lebanese! Anyway he is right about Sleiman, Miqati... after4 years as president what can Michel Sleiman list as achivmemnts?what did miqati do? and of course what did jumblat do expect sending some more money to the people who killed and murdered their neighbors in chouf?

"al qaida" is such a broad term and can be used conveniently, what did mawalwi DO?? you cant arrest someone for how he thinks, otherwise millions of muslims should be in jail as they are osama sympathizers. Meanwhile we have 4 wanted hizzie terrorists responsible for the death of rafic hariri and scores others in a terrorist attack in cental beirut. They are roaming free, no one goes after them. Mawlawi was arrested for helping the Syrian refugees and to terrorize the other sunis not to aid the syrians, that is his true crime.

like a fish outside water who fight left and right without conscience nor Awareness just in a in order to achieve the royal chair.... You are complex man who lacks lots of experience and acts like kids with special needs....

anonymetexasusa, Moustaqbal doesn't control the armed islamist groups on the eground and never have!

God Bless you General your the best !!! May God protects you as we may pray as well to those who insults you to those unfortunate lost souls (:

He looks like he's about to vomit. And his combover is thinning too.

anonymetexasusa, one of the Islamists principal demands is that many of them have been arrested for several years without trial, so that tells us that Al Moustaqbal did not rush to relese them and that's a fact. Just watch how Miqati will relese few now.

agree and Takfiri fanatics hates al moustaqbal as much as they hate anyone else..cath 22.

If Aoun ever becomes president, he'd be a dictator, like pinochet of Chile, or Saddam.