Geagea to Aoun: By Unjustly Defending the Arms, You’ll be Held Responsible for Any Violence in Lebanon
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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea issued on Wednesday an open letter to Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun “for once again overstepping all boundaries and reaching new dangerous heights” in his rhetoric.
Addressing Aoun’s statements on Tuesday about the fate of the March 14 rally even if a million people participated in it, he said that such remarks as “disdainful to a million Lebanese.”
“They are a clear reflection of your actual view of democracy and your total disregard of the people’s opinions,” he continued.
Regarding the MP’s statements that all the March 14 camp speeches were opposed to the arms and did not address the issue of defending Lebanon, Geagea stated: “Such claims are a sign that you don’t want to listen to others otherwise how could you justify not hearing our speeches on defense?”
“All of the speeches at the rally focused on defending Lebanon and the activity of the Lebanese state and illegitimate arms,” he added.
Addressing Aoun’s questions over who deprived the Lebanese army of a budget, Geagea said: “You know full well that the parliamentary council approves budgets.”
“As for your questions over who killed the army and who funded those who murdered it in the North, such claims are a distortion of the truth, as your friends and allies in the Syrian intelligence funded and trained Fatah al-Islam,” he stressed.
The most dangerous statements Aoun made, said Geagea, were his claims that the events of May 7, 2008, were a response to the government’s May 5 decisions.
“Lebanon’s constitution and laws do not recognize any military forces outside the state’s authority,” he stressed.
“Your statements are a direct call to resort to violence and murder to resolve internal political disputes,” he added.
“You are responsible before God, the people, and history for any use of violence on the internal scene because you are unjustly justifying their existence,” Geagea concluded.