Miqati Advises Davutoglu to Solve Turkish-Syrian Differences Through Dialogue
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Prime Minister Najib Miqati advised Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to engage in dialogue with Syria to resolve the two countries’ lingering differences, the PM’s press office announced on Sunday.
Miqati made the remark after receiving a phone call from Davutoglu on Saturday night, it said.
The Turkish FM informed the Lebanese premier about the latest information available on the downing of a military plane by Syrian forces.
Davutoglu said Sunday the F-4 phantom jet was shot down in international airspace, 13 nautical miles from Syria which on the contrary has said it took out the plane after it violated its airspace.
Miqati expressed his “solidarity with the families of the missing pilots and hoped that the ongoing cooperation between the Syrian and Turkish forces to find them and the plane’s wreckage would lead to positive results,” the statement said.
“Dialogue with Turkey and Syria contributes to solving ongoing differences and the current situation in the region requires prudence and self-restraint,” Miqati told Davutoglu.

Where did all this wisdom come from within a week???? first suggesting an environmental tribunal in Rio and now advising the Turks on how to solve their problems!?
Solve the LebanOFF issue then broaden your agenda...

najib is telling the turks to behave like him, ignore like nothing happened.(na'i binnafss)

Good for turkey not taking any bullshit from assad. Meanwhile shame on you lebanese government people get slaughtered from our side of the border and no one does anything about it. I am ashamed to call this country my own, the country that doesn't stand up for itself and for it is citizens, the country that does not have any value for humans lives. Shame shame shame

If I was Turkey, I would destroy and erase the bases that shot at the plane in International water, very similar to the RPGs that fall in Bekaa tows and Akkar, very similar to the fisherman boy that shot killed in Tripoli, similar to Al-Jadeed cameraman, The Syrian Army for 30yrs in Lebanon has exercised this same behavior but our kiss-up moron political figures have covered it up. (i.e. Berri, Nasrallah, Kanso, and today Aoun and the rest of the farm boys). Shame on leaders that close their eyes on their citizens massacres, they never should see the political chair but rather be put in Prison.

turkey should also hit russia for the balestic missile they flew over turkey 3 weeks ago

we need to see how this is going to evolve.
however, it looks this is the door from which war on the syrian regime will be done, without the need for a UN resolution, thus by passing the russians.
this might be good for the russians who would not lose face regarding letting go of this regime.