FPM Refuses to Apologize over Aoun’s Remarks on Abdul Wahed: He Has the Courage to Say the Truth

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Free Patriotic Movement refused on Friday to apologize over MP Michel Aoun’s remark that slain Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Wahed had liquor bottles in his car at the time of his death, rejecting Dar al-Fatwa’s demand for the apology.

The FPM press office said in a statement: “God has granted Aoun with the courage to say the truth and the courage to apologize when he has made a mistake.”

“God has also granted him with an education that calls for respecting the other and the other’s right to be different,” it added.

He believes in coexistence among the peoples of one country, it stressed.

“He hopes that God would grant the others the same courage to say the truth even if it hurts and apologize when they have committed an error or when they wrong someone,” said the FPM.

It hoped that those powers would not employ their sect as a political cover for their actions.

Furthermore, it suggested that Dar al-Fatwa examine the security forces’ report on the items found in Abdul Wahed’s car in order to confirm Aoun’s statements.

The lawmaker had stated on Tuesday that liquor bottles were found in Sheikh Abdul Wahed’s car.

Dar al-Fatwa accused Michel Aoun on Thursday of killing Sunni Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Wahed twice by claiming he was carrying liquor bottles in his car when he was killed at an army checkpoint in Kweikhat in Akkar in May.

“Aoun should apologize for publicly insulting Muslims and Ulemas in particular,” it said in a statement.

Comments 25
Thumb phoenician 20 July 2012, 14:39

God bless his soul but if the report says there was alcohol in the vehicle then Dar al fatwa should stop getting their knickers in a twist,the truth hurts.

Default-user-icon AGB (Guest) 20 July 2012, 15:28

No such reports, the rumor was invented by the FPM's propaganda department

Thumb geha 20 July 2012, 14:48

whether there was alcoholic beverages or not, stirring such matters is irrelevant and just creates strife for no justifiable reason.
Aoun has proven once more how low he could go by these comments, alienating more people and for what?
what did this comment add to the investigations?

Thumb snow.white 20 July 2012, 15:29

People with political agenda assume the common citizen is naive! The reference by Aoun to alcohol being found in the victim's car does not alleviate the murder responsibility by those officers! Second, if this religious man enjoyed drinking alcohol, why would he carry alcohol in his car on his way to a political rally?!!! It seems to be a cheap attempt on Aoun's part to divert attention from the main issue in this case and to insult a major sect in Lebanon. Perhaps, the claimed alcohol was planted after the fact.... I did not know you can be killed in Lebanon for carrying alcohol...!

Thumb Marwan34 20 July 2012, 14:49

More burning tires :S

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 20 July 2012, 14:53

what is the point in stating that there was alcohol in the car? W4 all know that those religious figures (from ALL denominations) and THROUGHOUT the world are masters in HYPOCRACY .. may god enlighten those who follow them blindly..

Thumb leblover 20 July 2012, 15:05

ok don't appolize, you'll pay the price of your ......... old man

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) 20 July 2012, 15:26

Give us a break guys we're too busy beating up on TV reporters!

Missing castro@46 20 July 2012, 15:31

Was Aoun in the car to see the alcohol.

Default-user-icon mit (Guest) 20 July 2012, 20:14

actually aoun travels tied up on the roof of a car

Thumb benzona 20 July 2012, 15:40

Perhaps here authorities should release a pic of the trunk to shut the lowlife's mouth. In any case, such things shouldn't be made public.... If a guy dies of a heart attack screwing his mistress.... People who know this should have the decency to keep quite. Obviously Aoun isn't a decent man, he's disrespectful and suffers from various complexes and pathologies.

Missing allouchi 20 July 2012, 15:41

Aoun is trying his best to defend Assad and harm the relations between Sunnis and Christians in Lebanon by using the Wahabi/Salafist threats and insulting religious figures..etc..He's playing with fire and showing his true colors in addition to blocking streets, attacking the press etc..He's a senile old that no one will remember after his masters Hassoun and Assad fall.

Missing marmaroun 20 July 2012, 16:15

Got banned from tayyar forum because i said mabrouk for the killing of the butchers of damascus! Unbeleivable!!! Are the aounist so in love with bashar n his gangs!! Impressive

Thumb kesrweneh 20 July 2012, 16:25

I think mar maroun is ashamed of a maronite being happy people ar ebeing assasinated regardless of who they are, hoep he doesn't ban you from maronithood too

Thumb benzona 20 July 2012, 22:03


Missing marmaroun 20 July 2012, 16:33

By the way keserwaneh!!!! Aoun with his southerners thugs are done!! But this is somthing u will never agree on your bias forum lead by racists

Missing marmaroun 20 July 2012, 16:38

Noooooo!!! It is ony media!! Nothing of all this is true according to tayyar forum!! Specially according to Mr stupid X of the forum (weird administrator) who NOW is getting worried about the thousands of refugee coming to lebanon!!!

Missing marmaroun 20 July 2012, 16:48

Aoun is a f.... Racist who hates sunnis!! The same as his followers on the tayyar forum who 24/24 insults sunnis community

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 20 July 2012, 16:55

kabbani is trying to save face , himself and aoun together by asking for a simple apology.. i would like to know if it is true and by the way vodka especially smirnoff with orange is delicious and purifying.. and if it is not true...u know it is a crime especially salafi way...

Default-user-icon majnoun (Guest) 20 July 2012, 17:19

will the FPM at least apologize to the MTV crew that was assaulted yesterday on live tv? Assaulted by FPM supporters! i really don't understand the FPMers! their leaders are controlling the gov. yet they are in the streets protesting! sha3eb a3waj!!

Default-user-icon TrueLebanese (Guest) 20 July 2012, 20:00

law kelkoun betraw2ouwa chway bi koun mneeh. ma hada ahsan min hada. March 8 & 14 adrab men ba3id

Thumb andre.jabbour 21 July 2012, 09:23

Oh yeah!

Thumb beiruti 21 July 2012, 16:06

Yes, and God showed us all that he has a sense of humor when he created Aoun.
Aoun has no courage to say what he said about the assassinated Sheikh. Liquor bottles found in the Muslim clerics car that was shot up by Hezbollah sympathizers in the LAF? This is the same Aoun that touts photoshopped pictures as evidence? Its an age old ruse of rogue law enforcement types, when they have gone over the top, to plant a gun, or in this case maybe a liquor bottle to take the edge off of their wrongdoing.
Courage? No, Aoun made the sectarian inciteful comment so as to spare Hezbollah from having to do it and I am sure that he took good pay from his pay master to be the stalking horse for this little tactic. So let's say that he has enough greed to trash a dead man for a few extra dollars.

Thumb liefighter 21 July 2012, 17:54

Aoun Has become moutawe3 lately, amr bl ma3rouf w nahi 3n munker

Missing forces 22 July 2012, 02:41

I think in a democracy if the facts are present then there is no problem in making them public, regardless of what they are or who they relate to. As unfortunate the circumstances are here, if someone is braking the law then the army should have our full and unconditional support to enforce the law within their mandate. I do however question old man McGOO's motives in making these "facts" public, obviously with a respectable adjenda behind him :), This sort of thing in all civilised parts of the world are reported by the investigating police bodies,journalist etc, never the role of a politician to comment on a shooting like this, unless he is the police/army minister he should shut up!!