Geagea: Each Individual is Ready to Abuse the State to Fulfill his Party’s Goals

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Tuesday that a new Lebanese government will not bolster the Lebanese state, but it will instead support the March 8 camp “that likes to call itself a Resistance.”
He said: “We have not recognized it as a Resistance as no law has been approved in parliament to officially call it so.”
The other camp believes that the state answers to it, he added.
“Each one of us has a free opinion towards a party and we don’t have any obligations except towards the Lebanese state’s constitutional institutions,” he stressed.
“How are we supposed to build a state if each individual only takes into account his party’s interests?” Geagea asked.
Addressing Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s recent statements on the March 14 camp and the WikiLeaks cables, he said: “People are free to express their opinions.”
“Why is the other camp relying on WikiLeaks while we have been announcing our opinions in the open? We have been demanding on a daily basis the end of the possession of arms outside the state’s authority,” he stressed.