Cabinet Approves Batch of Appointments: Fahd Named HJC Head, Madi Named Prosecutor

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The cabinet on Wednesday approved a long-awaited batch of administrative appointments, naming Judge Jean Daoud Fahd as head of the Higher Judicial Council, Judge Hatem Madi as state prosecutor and Judge Marwan Abboud as head of the High Disciplinary Committee.

It also appointed Evette Antoun as HDC member, Ali Serhal as government commissioner to the Audit Bureau, Fawzi Khamis as general prosecutor for the Audit Bureau, Ali al-Ahmar as Inspector-General of Education, and Faten Jomaa as inspector-general in the Central Inspection Board.

The cabinet also named a board of directors for the Rashid Karami International Fair with Hussameddine Mohammed Qbaiter as its chairman.

The appointments of Fahd and Madi come after the retirement of judges Ghaleb Ghanem and Saeed Mirza.

Disputes over administrative appointments were resolved before President Michel Suleiman's visit to Latin America last week, An Nahar newspaper reported on Monday.

According to the daily, Suleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Najib Miqati agreed on the names of the three candidates to be appointed as the head of the Higher Judicial Council, the General Prosecutor and the head of the Judicial Inspection Board.

The position of the head of the HJC remained vacant over a lingering dispute between Suleiman and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, as the president held onto his candidate, Judge Alice Shabtini, while Aoun insisted on the appointment of Meshlib.

Judge Samir Hammoud had been filling the post of acting State Prosecutor after Mirza's tenure ended in July.

The HJC is formed of 10 members in which the head of the council, the State Prosecutor and the head of the Judicial Inspection Board are appointed by a decree issued by the cabinet.

Two of the remaining seven are chosen by the members of the Court of Cassation and the remaining five are appointed by the justice minister and approved by the president without necessarily consulting the government.

In June, Suleiman approved a decree referred by Miqati and drafted by Qortbawi to appoint five judges to the HJC as the tenure of the previous members ended.

Comments 1
Default-user-icon assaad (Guest) 11 October 2012, 08:15

Est ce que le hezbollah va maintenant avoir confiance dans les tribunaux libanais et leur confier les témins et le saccusés?? ou bien ils ont- nommés eux aussi des juges qualifiés de traitres et non dignes de confiances.