Army Says Continuing to Pursue Migrant Workers Accused of 'Harassing Citizens'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Army Command on Thursday announced that its troops continue to pursue migrant workers “of several nationalities” who are accused of “encroaching on the dignities of citizens,” one day after Human Rights Watch said troops acted “like a gang” during a raid on a Beirut residence inhabited by migrant workers.

In a statement it released, the Command revealed that they are still receiving complaints asking to suppress and draw and end to these incidents in various Lebanese cities.

“We encourage all citizens to come forward and report any kind of abuse or harassment,” the statement said, emphasizing on the Army's continuous efforts to “preserve people's interests”.

The army's statement comes after HRW urged Lebanon to probe and punish army and intelligence officials behind alleged beatings of Egyptian, Sudanese and Syrian migrant workers during the raid.

The organization said the alleged abuses occurred on Sunday during a raid by armed forces on a residence in the Ashrafiyeh neighborhood of Jeitawi, with troops assaulting at least 72 men following unofficial complaints of sexual harassment in the area.

The Army Command had released a statement on Wednesday as a response to HRW's report, saying that it rejects any insults against the military institution “under the excuse of the rights of migrant workers, whose rights must not come at the expense of Lebanese men and women targeted by harassment.”

The statement added that the army was “surprised by the resistance of these workers and their violent confrontation of the troops who were tasked with checking their IDs and work permits”.

Comments 12
Thumb MakaWaka 11 October 2012, 17:25

“under the excuse of the rights of migrant workers, whose rights must not come at the expense of Lebanese men and women targeted by harassment.”

LOVING the army these days. Now THATS noble. I really want to see who's going to complain here about this response.... crickets!

Default-user-icon come on! (Guest) 11 October 2012, 17:31

This is a silly statement by army command, why doesn't Kahwaji concentrate on securing the country's borders and curbing the various arms smuggling rather on jockeying for the presidency. Don't get me wrong I'd love to have him as my president president but the ongoing childish PR campaign he's been engaged in lately is unbecoming of a Lebanese army commander.

Thumb geha 11 October 2012, 17:36

some seem to forget that the role of the army is to defend the country's borders, and the role of the FSI is to police the country.
when each does what is required of them we will have a country.
No what this army is doing is not sanstioned at all, and its measures are simply bullying people.
the army's role is not to set checkpoints and shoot people in the head instead of shooting their tires and arrest them!
the army's role is not to defend the syrian regime, and execute its orders....
this is not our army...

Thumb MakaWaka 11 October 2012, 17:43

well since the resistance is supposedly protecting our boarders, i guess the army had nothing better to do but to foolishly protect the honor of lebanese men and women :P
Shaklak ma 3endak ekhwi baneit eh ya geha?

Thumb geha 11 October 2012, 17:59

again, the role of the army is to protect our border: this is why we are paying them for. :)
hizbushaitan has nothing to do with our borders, it is our army's role to defend us, and not a bunch of iranian driven bunch of murderors....
maintaining peace and security inside the borders is of the duties of the FSI.

Thumb phoenician 11 October 2012, 17:46

How the hell did those idiots get into the country in the first place??????????

Thumb MakaWaka 11 October 2012, 17:51

Ask THAT to whoever is protecting our boarders. Maybe if the leb's werent so stuck-up thinking that they are ALLLL high class, there wouldn't have been a demand for these workers. Too posh to work as domestic caretakers and construction workers. li2anou.... "3eib"

Thumb lebanon_first 11 October 2012, 18:06

Again, what the F... the army is doing in Jeitawi? Why the hell is the army asking for the people to complain to it? I never knew the army became "customer service" This is the job of the FSI ie the police. The army should only interfere in emergencies inside the country. Else they should be at the borders.

Thumb gebran_sons 11 October 2012, 18:58

This is pure arrogance and a page taken from the Basij. It will be a sad day when our army start behaving like shabiha ignoring basic civil and human rights of foreigners residing in Lebanon. Punishing culprit appropriately is fine, but collective punishment is unacceptable. The real danger to Lebanon is not from foreign workers harassing citizens but from organized militias such as Hizbollah or Syrian SSNP, many of whom were caught committing crimes and assassinations. How about starting by demarcating and protecting our borders, or protecting and defending our freedom and free speech?

Missing shark25 12 October 2012, 12:55

Leave the army alone .Human Rights Watch should shut up. why should our people have to put up with them migrants,either they respect our people and our country or they can
God bless our army

Default-user-icon BaZinga (Guest) 12 October 2012, 16:18

Ah well... I'm really not against anyone playing the role of a vigilante. If the army wants to be our superhero and fight crime, then that's cool. Since the police isn't doing its job, someone's gotta do it right? (It wouldn't hurt if they could be a bit more civilized...)

MakaWaka, funny comment about all Lebanese being high class! Kteer mazbout! When the lebanese start cleaning their own shit, then we've got ourselves a whim of economic improvement!

FT & Phoenix, I see your comments everywhere! You guys have really opposed views but seem to really write things in a very respective manner and I love that! People in our country should learn from you!
PS: I'm not saying this because I agree with your political views, I'm just saying this because you got more class than 99.99% of this country ;)

Thumb MakaWaka 13 October 2012, 10:08

Ah finally! someone who appreciates and understands wisdom and class around here!
True Story!