Hariri, Geagea Hold Second Meeting in Saudi Arabia

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea held talks in Saudi Arabia on Thursday, the second such meeting in a week, reported Voice of Lebanon radio on Friday.

It said that the meeting focused on the parliamentary electoral law, saying that they shared the same view on the matter.

The two officials had held their first meeting on Tuesday, during which they discussed latest developments in the region, in particular, the impact of the turmoil in Syria on Lebanon and the 2013 parliamentary elections.

Geagea traveled to kingdom earlier this week to meet senior officials.

The Lebanese political foes are currently discussing a new electoral law to be adopted during the 2013 polls as the cabinet's draft law calls for dividing Lebanon into 13 medium-sized districts based on proportionality, while a plan suggested by Free Patriotic Movement chief Michel Aoun’s Change and Reform bloc allows every sect to elect its own MPs under a proportional representation system with Lebanon as a single district.

The opposition's proposal made by MPs George Adwan, Sami Gemayel and Butros Harb supports the formation of 50 small-sized districts in a winner-takes-all system.

Comments 11
Default-user-icon Ben Dou (Guest) 12 October 2012, 10:40

Well said Karim_m1

"Important leaders", they discuss Lebanon outside Lebanon with non Lebanese parties:) If they care about Lebanon they should be here discussing what matter and debate with other political parties, that is called democracy, but for sure they are not aware nor interested in that!Hariri boy leaves Lebanon to live in luxury when he cannot be in power and mess up Lebanon, if he cares about Lebanon why is he not here? Please don't say threats bla bla bla etc. Everyone else takes the risk on daily basis, still they stay and strive for a better tomorrow for Lebanese, Hariri is not a special one as he think.

Thumb jessy70 12 October 2012, 11:17

God Bless you both....

Missing allouchi 12 October 2012, 15:15


Default-user-icon Tonus (Guest) 12 October 2012, 11:34

Mr Karim... I really dont know how much they washed your tiny little brain you and other Orangies but the reel fact which you admit about Salafi and Wahabi are true the thing which you can not understand is Iran and imamam Khumayni teaching isnot much better than Salafist. I still beleive and trust Dr Geagea and Mr Hariri much more than your coucou boss with alzheimer symptom just because they (geagea Hariri) they dont believe in Salafist and they want a strong republic.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (Guest) 12 October 2012, 11:53

Geagea betrayed christian Lebanese, on may occasions..
By visiting the KSA, where the Taef agreement was initiated and which removed the powers of a christian president, Geagea is proving once again that he is still in Business and For Sale to the highest bidder.
Treason must carry the Death penalty..

Missing peace 12 October 2012, 14:47

how can lebanon ever go forward when we read posts of people still living in the past! it seems they want to make the civil war over again to prove who is the strongest!
which such mentalities no wonder lebanon is still a third world country with people having a third world mind!

Missing peace 12 October 2012, 15:58

oh don t brag you are the first one to talk about the civil war ... and wanting revenge from M14 which you want to eradicate...

Default-user-icon ELIE (Guest) 12 October 2012, 15:56

in what way did Aoun make a fool of himself? please tell me.

Default-user-icon Wandoviani (Guest) 12 October 2012, 16:18

Was this one positive, too? The first one was positive as proof that negative times negative equals positive. But then a few electrons might have escaped one of these super-charged negatives and made the equation into a positive times a negative with a negative result. Call it the luck of the draw.

Thumb geha 12 October 2012, 17:26

let us acknowledge what is the issue here:
- one part wants lebanon to follow the syro/iranian axis, which means continuous war and additional misery.
- the other part wants Lebanon to follow the free world, which means open economy and freedom of expression....
for my part, I gladly select to follow prosperity and peace.
I do not see the point in constant wars and destructions.

Missing allouchi 12 October 2012, 19:36

May god protect Sheikh Saad and our dear Hakim...M8 trembles when our two great leaders meet...